航海英语(山东联盟) 知到智慧树答案2024 z6549

第一章 单元测试


1、Attention is called to the fact that in many cases pipelines are not __ and charted depths may be decreased by up to 2 meters.

A A. concealed
B B. buried
C C. existed
D D. built
答案  B. buried

2、Depths of {wk.} are to be inserted in the chart.

A A. work
B B. wreck
C C. wake
D D. weak
答案  B. wreck

3、For full information regarding the current circulation of the Indian Ocean, __ Sailing Direction, Current Atlas, etc.

A A. watch
B B. look for
C C. see
D D. regard
答案  C. see

4、In Admiralty Sailing Directions, STRIPES is the word used to indicate __ marking.

A A. horizontal
B B. vertical
C C. diagonal
D D. vertical or diagonal
答案  D. vertical or diagonal

5、In the Uniform Cardinal System of Buoyage, a buoy in the eastern quadrant from a danger could __.

A A. be black and white horizontally striped
B B. be black and white vertically striped
C C. have a black top mark
D D. be any of the above
答案  C. have a black top mark

6、The lateral system is used in .

A A. restricted waters such as shoals, reefs or wrecks
B B. restricted waters such as buoyed channels
C C. open waters such as shoals, reefs or wrecks
D D. open water such as buoyed channels
答案  B. restricted waters such as buoyed channels

7、What would be the color of an IALA starboard hand lateral buoy, as seen when sailing toward land, in Europe?

A A. Green
B B. Red
C C. Red and green stripes
D D. Black and yellow stripes
答案  A. Green

8、When reversing, the tidal stream will have a period with little or no effect. This is call the_.

A A. rise
B B. range
C C. slack
D D. spring
答案  C. slack

9、The average time between two high waters is 12 hours and 25 minutes because this is the time it takes for __.

A A. The sun to be at the opposite side of the moon
B B. The moon to be at the opposite side of the earth
C C. The moon to be at its apogee
D D. The sun and the moon to be on the same side
答案  B. The moon to be at the opposite side of the earth

10、What is the tidal height?

A A. Twice the tide amplitude
B B. The range of the tide
C C. The water above the Lowest Astronomical Tide
D D. The height above or under the Mean Level
答案  C. The water above the Lowest Astronomical Tide

11、Data relating to the direction and velocity of rotary tidal currents can be found in the __

A A. Mariners Guide
B B. Tidal Current Tables
C C. Nautical Almanac
D D. Tide Table
答案  B. Tidal Current Tables

12、From __ the mariner can know the data of tide.

A A. the sea pilot
B B. the cargo plan
C C. the tide table
D D. the port list
答案  C. the tide table

13、Which is a weekly publication advising mariners of important matters affecting navigational Safety ?

A A. Light List
B B. Notice to Mariners
C C. Coast Pilot
D D. Sailing Directions
答案  B. Notice to Mariners

14、In which source could you find the number of a chart for a certain geographic area?

A A. Chart No.1
B B. Catalog of Charts
C C. IMO Practical Navigator
D D. IMO Light List
答案  B. Catalog of Charts

15、All of the following information concerning lighted aids to navigation may be read directly from the light list except the __

A A. location
B B. height of light above water
C C. luminous range
D D. light characteristics
答案  C. luminous range

16、The arrangement of charts in the catalogue is _.

A A. on a regional basis
B B. on a national basis
C C. shown orderly
D D. appeared from A to W
答案  A. on a regional basis

17、The datum from which the predicted heights of tides are reckoned in the tide table is _.

A A. mean low water
B B. the same as that used for the charts of the locality
C C. the highest possible level
D D. given in table three of the tide tables
答案  B. the same as that used for the charts of the locality

18、Many of the soundings shown on the chart are derived from __ , Undue reliance should not be placed upon them.

A A. complete and often very poor surveys
B B. correct and often very good surveys
C C. inadequate and often very old surveys
D D. adequate and present surveys
答案  C. inadequate and often very old surveys

19、Lines on a chart which connect points of equal magnetic variation are called __.

A A. magnetic latitudes
B B. magnetic declinations
C C. dip
D D. isogonic lines
答案  D. isogonic lines

20、How is the annual rate of change for magnetic variation shown on a pilot chart?

A A. Gray lines on the uppermost inset chart
B B. Red lines on the main body of the chart
C C. In parenthesis on the lines of equal magnetic variation
D D. Annual rate of change is not shown
答案  A. Gray lines on the uppermost inset chart

第二章 单元测试

1、The correct method of switching off a marine radar is to turn power switch to position first, then to __ position.

A A.off / standby
B B.standby / off
C C.standby / close
D D.close / standby
答案  B.standby / off

2、The abbreviation PPI in the Sperry Collision Avoidance System means __.

A A.plan position indicator
B B.plain position indicator
C C.plane position indication
D D.policy proof of interest
答案  A.plan position indicator

3、Radar makes it possible and much safer for us to sail .

A A.in dense fog
B B.in boisterous weather
C C.in the open sea
D D.in rivers
答案  A.in dense fog

4、The 10-cm radar as compared to a 3-cm radar of similar specifications will ____.

A A.be more suitable for river and harbor navigation
B B.provide better range performance on low lying targets during good weather and calm seas
C C.have a wider horizontal beam width
D D.have more sea return during rough sea conditions
答案  C.have a wider horizontal beam width

5、The ARPA may swap targets when automatically tracking if two targets __

A A.are tracked on reciprocal bearings
B B.are tracked at the same range
C C.are tracked on the same bearing
D D.pass close together
答案  D.pass close together

6、The common way to obtain your ship’s position is __.

A A.keeping a close watch and lookout
B B.taking a radar range and bearing
C C.observing a radar target and listening to signals
D D.keeping a well clear
答案  B.taking a radar range and bearing

7、The radio waves used for radar are very short,only______long.

A A.a few centimeters
B B.a few fathoms
C C.a few meters
D D.a few feet
答案  A.a few centimeters

8、When hitting a solid object such as a ship or an airplane, the radar waves are reflected back______ they came.

A A.in the way
B B.the way
C C.by the way
D D.through the path
答案  D.through the path

9、When using a radar in a unstabilized mode, fixes are determined most easily from __.

A A.center bearings
B B.tangent bearings
C C.ranges
D D.objects that are close aboard
答案  C.ranges

10、Which general statement concerning radar is FALSE?

A A.raising the antenna height increases the radar range
B B.the ability of radar to detect objects is unaffected by weather conditions
C C.radar bearing are less accurate than radar range
D D.radar should be checked regularly during clear weather to ensure that it is operating properly
答案  B.the ability of radar to detect objects is unaffected by weather conditions

第三章 单元测试

1、A boundary between two air masses is a (n) __.

A A. lapse rate
B B. isobar
C C. front
D D. continent
答案  C. front

2、A cloud of marked vertical development (often anvil-shaped) would be classified as __.

A A. cirrus
B B. cirrocumulus
C C. altocumulus
D D. Cumulonimbus
答案  D. Cumulonimbus

3、A cyclone in its final stage of development is called a(n) __.

A A. tornado
B B. anticyclone
C C. occluded cyclone or occluded front
D D. polar cyclone
答案  C. occluded cyclone or occluded front

4、A hygrometer is device used for determining __.

A A. the absolute temperature
B B. atmospheric pressure
C C. wind velocity
D D. relative humidity
答案  D. relative humidity

5、Advection fog is most commonly caused by __.

A A. air being warmed above the dew point
B B. saturation of cold air by rain
C C. a rapid cooling of the air near the surface of the Earth at night
D D. warm moist air being blown over a colder surface
答案  D. warm moist air being blown over a colder surface

6、An occluded front is caused by a(n) __.

A A. cold front becoming stationary
B B. warm front becoming stationary
C C. cold front overtaking a warm front
D D. warm front dissipating
答案  C. cold front overtaking a warm front

7、Clouds appearing in the following order  cirrus, cirrostratus, altostratus, stratus, and nimbostratus usually indicate the approach of a(n) __.

A A. warm front
B B. occluded front
C C. medium front
D D. cold front
答案  A. warm front

8、Pressure gradient is a measure of __.

A A. a high-pressure area
B B. pressure difference over horizontal distance
C C. pressure difference over time
D D. vertical pressure variation
答案  B. pressure difference over horizontal distance

9、The atmosphere in the vicinity of a high pressure areas is called a (n) _.

A A. anticyclone
B B. cold front
C C. occluded front
D D. cyclone
答案  A. anticyclone

10、A generally circular low pressure area is called a (n) __.

A A. cyclone
B B. anticyclone
C C. cold front
D D. occluded front
答案  A. cyclone

11、The legend/symbol which designates an occluded front is represented by a ___.

A A. red line
B B. Purple line
C C. blue line
D D. dashed blue line
答案  B. Purple line

12、A psychrometer has two thermometers that provide dry bulb and wet bulb temperatures. By comparing these two temperature readings with a set of tables, you can determine the _

A A. atmospheric pressure
B B. wind speed
C C. relative humidity and dew point
D D. wind chill factor
答案  C. relative humidity and dew point

13、A sea breeze is a wind ____.

A A. that blows towards the sea at night
B B. that blows towards an island during the day
C C. caused by cold air descending a coastal incline
D D. caused by the distant approach of a hurricane
答案  B. that blows towards an island during the day

14、When winds of force reach 10-11 in Beaufort Scale,usually we call such winds as______.

A A. Hurricane
B B.Breeze
C C.Storm
D D.Gale
答案  C.Storm

15、Anticyclones are usually characterized by __.

A A. dry, fair weather
B B. high winds and cloudiness
C C. gustiness and continuous precipitation
D D. overcast skies
答案  A. dry, fair weather

16、Altocumulus clouds are defined as ____.

A A. high clouds
B B. middle clouds
C C. low clouds
D D. vertical development clouds
答案  B. middle clouds

17、One of the factors which affects the circulation of ocean currents is _

A A. humidity
B B. varying densities of water
C C. vessel traffic
D D.. the jet stream
答案  B. varying densities of water

18、Ocean currents are well defined and.

A A. create large waves in the direction of the current
B B. change direction on 3600 during a 24 hour period
C C. remain fairly constant in direction and velocity through out the year
D D. are characterized by a light green color
答案  C. remain fairly constant in direction and velocity through out the year

19、A sling psychrometer is a(n) __.

A A. type of cargo gear
B B. instrument used in celestial navigation
C C. instrument used to measure relative humidity
D D. instrument used to measure specific gravity
答案  C. instrument used to measure relative humidity






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阿布查查 » 航海英语(山东联盟) 知到智慧树答案2024 z6549