经济学(电子科技大学) 中国大学mooc慕课答案2024版 m88912

第一篇 经济学导论 单元测验1:第一篇( 经济学导论)

1、 Microeconomics is often called 

答案: price theory. 

2、 Society faces trade-offs because of 

答案:  scarcity. 

3、 The purpose of making assumptions in economic model building is to 

答案: simplify the model while keeping important details. 

4、 Which of the following is true?

答案: Efficiency refers to the size of the economic pie; equality refers to how the pie is divided.

5、 The opportunity cost of an item is

答案: what you give up to get that item.

6、 Rational people make decisions at the margin by

答案: comparing marginal costs and marginal benefits.

7、 People are likely to respond to a policy change 

答案: if the policy changes either the costs or benefits of their behavior.

8、 The invisible hand works to promote general well-being in the economy primarily through

答案: people’s pursuit of self-interest. 

9、 Causes of market failure include

答案: externalities and market power.

10、 What is the most important factor that explains differences in living standards across countries?

答案: productivity

11、 A circular-flow diagram is a model that

答案: helps to explain how participants in the economy interact with one another. 

12、 Production is efficient if the economy is producing at a point

答案: on the production possibilities frontier.

13、 The opportunity cost of obtaining more of one good is shown on the production possibilities frontier as the

答案: amount of the other good that must be given up.

14、 Normative statements are 

答案: claims about how the world should be.

15、 When can two countries gain from trading two goods?

答案: Two countries could gain from trading two goods under all of the above conditions.

16、 An economy’s production possibilities frontier is also its consumption possibilities frontier 

答案: when the economy is self-sufficient.

17、 Absolute advantage is found by comparing different producers’

答案: input requirements per unit of output.

18、 Suppose Jim and Tom can both produce two goods: baseball bats and hockey sticks.  Which of the following is not possible?

答案: Jim has a comparative advantage in the production of baseball bats and in the production of hockey sticks.

19、 Suppose Jim and Tom can both produce baseball bats.  If Jim’s opportunity cost of producing baseball bats is lower than Tom’s opportunity cost of producing baseball bats, then

答案: Jim has a comparative advantage in the production of baseball bats.

20、 Trade can make everybody better off because it

答案: allows people to specialize according to comparative advantage.

21、 Economics is the study of how evenly goods and services are distributed within society.

答案: 错误

22、 If wages for accountants rose, then accountants’ leisure time would have a lower opportunity cost.

答案: 错误

23、 A marginal change is a small incremental adjustment to an existing plan of action.

答案: 正确

24、 Trade with any nation can be mutually beneficial.

答案: 正确

25、 One way that governments can improve market outcomes is to ensure that individuals are able to own and exercise control over their scarce resources.

答案: 正确

26、 Inflation increases the value of money.

答案: 错误

27、 In the circular flow diagram, payments for labor, land, and capital flow from firms to households through the markets for the factors of production.

答案: 正确

28、 Points inside the production possibilities frontier represent inefficient levels of production.

答案: 正确

29、 Interdependence among individuals and interdependence among nations are both based on the gains from trade.

答案: 正确

30、 Trade allows a country to consume outside its production possibilities frontier.

答案: 正确

31、 Microeconomics is often called

答案: price theory. 

32、 Society faces trade-offs because of 

答案:  scarcity.

33、 The purpose of making assumptions in economic model building is to

答案: simplify the model while keeping important details.

34、 Rational people make decisions at the margin by

答案: comparing marginal costs and marginal benefits.

35、 People are likely to respond to a policy change

答案: if the policy changes either the costs or benefits of their behavior.

36、 The invisible hand works to promote general well-being in the economy primarily through

答案: people’s pursuit of self-interest.

37、 A circular-flow diagram is a model that

答案: helps to explain how participants in the economy interact with one another.

38、 Normative statements are

答案: claims about how the world should be.

39、 When can two countries gain from trading two goods?

答案: Two countries could gain from trading two goods under all of the above conditions.

40、 An economy’s production possibilities frontier is also its consumption possibilities frontier

答案: when the economy is self-sufficient.

41、 Suppose Jim and Tom can both produce two goods: baseball bats and hockey sticks.  Which of the following is not possible?

答案: Jim has a comparative advantage in the production of baseball bats and in the production of hockey sticks.

42、 Suppose Jim and Tom can both produce baseball bats.  If Jim’s opportunity cost of producing baseball bats is lower than Tom’s opportunity cost of producing baseball bats, then

答案: Jim has a comparative advantage in the production of baseball bats.

43、 One way that governments can improve market outcomes is to ensure that individuals are able to own and exercise control over their scarce resources.

答案: 正确

44、 In the circular flow diagram, payments for labor, land, and capital flow from firms to households through the markets for the factors of production.

答案: 正确

45、 A circular-flow diagram is a model that

答案: helps to explain how the economy is organized and how participants in the economy interact with one another.

第二篇 供给与需求I:市场如何运行 单元测验2: 第二篇(供给与需求:市场如何运行)

1、 In a market economy, supply and demand determine

答案: both the quantity of each good produced and the price at which it is sold. 

2、 The quantity demanded of a good is the amount that buyers are

答案: willing and able to purchase.

3、 A decrease in quantity demanded

答案: results in a movement upward and to the left along a demand curve.

4、 Adam Smith suggested that an invisible had guides market economies.  In this analogy, what is the baton that the invisible hand uses to conduct the economic orchestra?

答案: prices

5、 Elasticity is

答案: a measure of how much buyers and sellers respond to changes in market conditions.

6、 Suppose there is a 6 percent increase in the price of good X and a resulting 6 percent decrease in the quantity of X demanded. Price elasticity of demand for X is 

答案: 1.

7、 Goods with many close substitutes tend to have

答案: more elastic demands.

8、 If two goods are substitutes, their cross-price elasticity will be

答案: positive.

9、 A price ceiling is binding when it is set 

答案: below the equilibrium price, causing a shortage.

10、 If the government wants to reduce smoking, it should impose a tax on

答案: either buyers or sellers of cigarettes.

11、 If something happens to alter the quantity demanded at any given price, then the demand curve shifts.

答案: 正确

12、 If orange juice and apple juice are substitutes, an increase in the price of orange juice will shift the demand curve for apple juice to the left.

答案: 错误

13、 In general, demand curves for necessities tend to be price elastic.

答案: 错误

14、 Price elasticity of demand along a linear, downward-sloping demand curve increases as price falls.

答案: 错误

15、 When demand is inelastic, a decrease in price increases total revenue.

答案: 错误

16、 Normal goods have negative income elasticities of demand, while inferior goods have positive income elasticities of demand.

答案: 错误

17、 At the equilibrium price, the quantity that buyers want to buy exactly equals the quantity that sellers want to sell.

答案: 正确

18、 The effects of rent control in the long run include lower rents and lower-quality housing.

答案: 正确

19、 Not all sellers benefit from a binding price floor.

答案: 正确

20、 Who bears the majority of a tax burden depends on whether the tax is placed on the buyers or the sellers.

答案: 错误

21、 In a market economy, supply and demand determine

答案: both the quantity of each good produced and the price at which it is sold.

22、 Adam Smith suggested that an invisible hand guides market economies.  In this analogy, what is the baton that the invisible hand uses to conduct the economic orchestra?

答案: prices

23、 Suppose there is a 6 percent increase in the price of good X and a resulting 6 percent decrease in the quantity of X demanded. Price elasticity of demand for X is

答案: 1.

24、 A price ceiling is binding when it is set

答案: below the equilibrium price, causing a shortage.

25、 Normal goods have negative income elasticities of demand, while inferior goods have positive income elasticities of demand.

答案: 错误

第三篇 供给与需求II:市场与福利 单元测验3:第三篇(供给与需求II:市场与福利)

1、 Welfare economics is the study of

答案: how the allocation of resources affects economic well-being.

2、 Consumer surplus is

答案: the amount a buyer is willing to pay for a good minus the amount the buyer actually pays for it.

3、 If a consumer places a value of $20 on a particular good and if the price of the good is $25, then the   

答案: consumer does not purchase the good. 

4、 If Gina sells a shirt for $40, and her producer surplus from the sale is $32, her cost must have been 

答案: $8. 

5、 Inefficiency exists in an economy when a good is

答案: not being consumed by buyers who value it most highly.

6、 When a tax is imposed on a good, the 

答案: equilibrium quantity of the good always decreases. 

7、 Taxes cause deadweight losses because they

答案: All of the answers are correct.

8、 The deadweight loss from a $3 tax will be largest in a market with

答案: elastic supply and elastic demand.

9、 The before-trade price of fish in Denmark is $10.00 per pound. The world price of fish is $6.00 per pound. Denmark is a price-taker in the fish market. If Denmark begins to allow trade in fish, its consumers of fish will become

答案: better off, its producers of fish will become worse off, and on balance the citizens of Denmark will become better off.

10、 Suppose Iran imposes a tariff on lumber. For the tariff to have any effect, it must be the case that 

答案: the world price without the tariff is less than the price of lumber without trade. 

11、 Which of the following is correct?

答案: Total surplus is   measured as the area below the demand curve and above the supply curve, up to   the equilibrium quantity

12、 If an allocation of resources is efficient, then

答案: all potential gains from trade among buyers are sellers are being realized

13、 The “invisible hand” refers to

答案: the marketplace   guiding the self-interests of market participants into promoting general   economic well-being.

14、 Suppose that the equilibrium price in the market for widgets is $5. If a law increased the minimum legal price for widgets to $6,

答案: any possible increase   in producer surplus would be smaller than the loss of consumer surplus.

15、 If a market is allowed to adjust freely to its equilibrium price and quantity, then an increase in demand will

答案: increase producer surplus.

16、 Inefficiency can be caused in a market by the presence of

答案: All the answers are correct.

17、 Market failure is the inability of

答案: some unregulated markets to allocate resources efficiently

18、 If the current allocation of resources in the market for hammers is inefficient, then it must be the case that

答案: the sum of consumer surplus and producer surplus could be increased by moving to a different allocation of resources.

19、 Coffee and tea are substitutes. Bad weather that sharply reduces the coffee bean harvest would

答案: decrease consumer surplus in the market for coffee and increase producer surplus in the market for tea.

20、 Many economists believe that restrictions against ticket scalping result in each of the following except

答案: shorter lines at cultural and sporting events.

21、 Consumer surplus is the amount a buyer is willing to pay for a good minus the amount the buyer actually has to pay for it.

答案: 正确

22、 Consumer surplus measures the benefit to buyers of participating in a market.

答案: 正确

23、 Consumer surplus can be measured as the area between the demand curve and the equilibrium price.

答案: 正确

24、 Consumer surplus can be measured as the area between the demand curve and the supply curve

答案: 错误

25、 All else equal, an increase in supply will cause an increase in consumer surplus

答案: 正确

26、 All else equal, an increase in demand will always increase consumer surplus

答案: 错误

27、 All else equal, an increase in demand will cause an increase in producer surplus

答案: 正确

28、 All else equal, a decrease in demand will cause an increase in producer surplus

答案: 错误

29、 The area below the price and above the supply curve measures the producer surplus in a market.

答案: 正确

30、 All else equal, a decrease in demand will cause an increase in producer surplus.

答案: 错误

31、 The area below the price and above the supply curve measures the producer surplus in a market

答案: 正确

32、 The area below the demand curve and above the supply curve measures the producer surplus in a market.

答案: 错误

33、 If the government imposes a binding price ceiling in a market, then the producer surplus in that market will increase.

答案: 错误

34、 The lower the price, the lower the producer surplus, all else equal.

答案: 正确

35、 Economists generally believe that, although there may be advantages to society from ticket-scalping, the costs to society of this activity outweigh the benefits.

答案: 错误

36、 Economists argue that restrictions against ticket scalping actually drive up the cost of many tickets.

答案: 正确

37、 Efficiency is related to the size of the economic pie, whereas equality is related to how the pie gets sliced and distributed

答案: 正确

38、 The current policy on kidney donation effectively sets a price ceiling of zero.

答案: 正确

39、 If a market is in equilibrium, then it is impossible for a social planner to raise economic welfare by increasing or decreasing the quantity of the good

答案: 正确

40、 Unless markets are perfectly competitive, they may fail to maximize the total benefits to buyers and sellers.

答案: 正确

41、 Welfare economics is the study of

答案: how the allocation of resources affects economic well-being.

42、 If a consumer places a value of $20 on a particular good and if the price of the good is $25, then the

答案: consumer does not purchase the good.

43、 If Gina sells a shirt for $40, and her producer surplus from the sale is $32, her cost must have been

答案: $8.

44、 When a tax is imposed on a good, the

答案: equilibrium quantity of the good always decreases.

45、 Taxes cause deadweight losses because they

答案: All of the answers are correct.

46、 The before-trade price of fish in Denmark is $10.00 per pound. The world price of fish is $6.00 per pound. Denmark is a price-taker in the fish market. If Denmark begins to allow trade in fish, its consumers of fish will become

答案: better off, its producers of fish will become worse off, and on balance the citizens of Denmark will become better off.

47、 Suppose Iran imposes a tariff on lumber. For the tariff to have any effect, it must be the case that

答案: the world price without the tariff is less than the price of lumber without trade.

48、 Which of the following is correct?

答案: Total surplus is measured as the area below the demand curve and above the supply curve, up to the equilibrium quantity.

49、 If an allocation of resources is efficient, then

答案: all potential gains from trade among buyers are sellers are being realized.

50、 The “invisible hand” refers to

答案: the marketplace guiding the self-interests of market participants into promoting general economic well-being.

51、 Suppose that the equilibrium price in the market for widgets is $5. If a law increased the minimum legal price for widgets to $6,

答案: any possible increase in producer surplus would be smaller than the loss of consumer surplus.

52、 If a market is allowed to adjust freely to its equilibrium price and quantity, then an increase in demand will

答案: increase producer surplus.

53、 Market failure is the inability of

答案: some unregulated markets to allocate resources efficiently.

54、 Coffee and tea are substitutes. Bad weather that sharply reduces the coffee bean harvest would

答案: decrease consumer surplus in the market for coffee and increase producer surplus in the market for tea.

55、 Consumer surplus can be measured as the area between the demand curve and the supply curve.

答案: 错误

56、 All else equal, an increase in supply will cause an increase in consumer surplus.

答案: 正确

57、 All else equal, an increase in demand will always increase consumer surplus.

答案: 错误

58、 All else equal, an increase in demand will cause an increase in producer surplus.

答案: 正确

59、 Efficiency is related to the size of the economic pie, whereas equality is related to how the pie gets sliced and distributed.

答案: 正确

60、 The current policy on kidney donation actually sets a price ceiling of zero.

答案: 正确

61、 If a market is in equilibrium, then it is impossible for a social planner to raise economic welfare by increasing or decreasing the quantity of the good.

答案: 正确

第四篇 公共部门经济学 单元测验4:第四篇(公共部门经济学)

1、 An externality is

答案: the uncompensated impact of one person’s actions on the well-being of a bystander.

2、 Which of the following statements is correct?

答案: Government should tax goods with negative externalities and subsidize goods with positive externalities.

3、 Markets are often inefficient when negative externalities are present because

答案: social costs exceed private costs at the private market solution.

4、 The best remedy for market failure is often

答案: a market-based solution.

5、 The Coase theorem suggests that private markets may not be able to solve the problem of externalities

答案: when the number of interested parties is large and bargaining costs are high.

6、 Altering incentives so that people take account of the external effects of their actions

答案: all the answers are correct.

7、 For private goods allocated in markets,

答案: prices guide the decisions of buyers and sellers and these decisions lead to an efficient allocation of resources.

8、 The provision of a public good generates a

答案: positive externality and the use of a common resource generates a negative externality.

9、 Goods that are not excludable include both

答案: common resources and public goods.

10、 The free-rider problem

答案: explains why many local governments supply public goods.

11、 In a market economy, government intervention

答案: may improve market outcomes in the presence of externalities

12、 An externality is an example of

答案: a market failure.

13、 A cost imposed on someone who is neither the consumer nor the producer is called a

答案: negative externality

14、 Which of the following statements about a well-maintained yard best conveys the general nature of the externality

答案: A well-maintained yard conveys a positive externality because it increases the value of adjacent properties in the neighborhood

15、 Which of the following is not correct?

答案: Externalities cannot be positive

16、 When goods do not have a price, which of the following primarily ensures that the good is produced?

答案: government

17、 The provision of public goods gives rise to

答案: positive externalities

18、 Both public goods and common resources are

答案: nonexcludable

19、 When something of value has no price attached to it,

答案: externalities will be present

20、  If one person’s use of a good diminishes another person’s enjoyment of it, the good is

答案: rival in consumption

21、 Markets sometimes fail to allocate resources efficiently

答案: 正确

22、 When a transaction between a buyer and seller directly affects a third party, the effect is called an externality

答案: 正确

23、 Barking dogs cannot be considered an externality because externalities must be associated with some form of market exchange

答案: 错误

24、  Research into new technologies conveys neither negative externalities nor positive externalities

答案: 错误

25、 The social cost of pollution includes the private costs of the producers plus the costs to those bystanders adversely affected by the pollution

答案: 正确

26、 When firms internalize a negative externality, the market supply curve shifts to the left

答案: 正确

27、 Government subsidized scholarships are an example of a government policy aimed at correcting negative externalities associated with education

答案: 错误

28、 A congestion toll imposed on a highway driver to force the driver to take into account the increase in travel time she imposes on all other drivers is an example of internalizing the externality

答案: 正确

29、 The government can internalize externalities by taxing goods that have negative externalities and subsidizing goods that have positive externalities

答案: 正确

30、 Government intervention in the economy with the goal of promoting technology-producing industries is known as patent policy

答案: 错误

31、  A technology spillover is a type of negative externality

答案: 错误

32、 The concept of external cost is associated with a negative externality, but not with a positive externality

答案: 正确

33、 When market activity generates a negative externality, the level of output in the market equilibrium is lower than the socially optimal level

答案: 错误

34、 To determine the optimal level of output in a market with negative externalities, a benevolent social planner would look for the level of output at which private cost equals private value.

答案: 错误

35、  A good that is excludable but not rival is known as a club good

答案: 正确

36、 Concerts in arenas are not excludable because it is virtually impossible to prevent someone from seeing the show

答案: 错误

37、 A good that is excludable is one that someone can be prevented from using if she did not pay for it

答案: 正确

38、 Common resources and public goods have in common that they are not excludable and they are not rival in consumption

答案: 错误

39、 A free-rider is someone who receives the benefit of a good but avoids paying for it

答案: 正确

40、 Even economists who advocate small government agree that national defense is a good that the government should provide

答案: 正确

41、 Altering incentives so that people take account of the external effects of their actions

答案: All the answers are correct.

42、 In a market economy, government intervention

答案: may improve market outcomes in the presence of externalities.

43、 A cost imposed on someone who is neither the consumer nor the producer is called a

答案: negative externality.

44、 Which of the following statements about a well-maintained yard best conveys the general nature of the externality?

答案: A well-maintained yard conveys a positive externality because it increases the value of adjacent properties in the neighborhood.

45、 Which of the following is not correct?

答案: Externalities cannot be positive.

46、 The provision of public goods gives rise to

答案: positive externalities.

47、 Both public goods and common resources are

答案: nonexcludable.

48、 When something of value has no price attached to it,

答案: externalities will be present.

49、  If one person’s use of a good diminishes another person’s enjoyment of it, the good is

答案: rival in consumption.

50、 Markets sometimes fail to allocate resources efficiently.

答案: 正确

51、 When a transaction between a buyer and seller directly affects a third party, the effect is called an externality.

答案: 正确

52、 Barking dogs cannot be considered an externality because externalities must be associated with some form of market exchange.

答案: 错误

53、  Research into new technologies conveys neither negative externalities nor positive externalities.

答案: 错误

54、 The social cost of pollution includes the private costs of the producers plus the costs to those bystanders adversely affected by the pollution.

答案: 正确

55、 When firms internalize a negative externality, the market supply curve shifts to the left.

答案: 正确

56、 Government subsidized scholarships are an example of a government policy aimed at correcting negative externalities associated with education.

答案: 错误

57、 A congestion toll imposed on a highway driver to force the driver to take into account the increase in travel time she imposes on all other drivers is an example of internalizing the externality.

答案: 正确

58、 The government can internalize externalities by taxing goods that have negative externalities and subsidizing goods that have positive externalities.

答案: 正确

59、  A technology spillover is a type of negative externality.

答案: 错误

60、 The concept of external cost is associated with a negative externality, but not with a positive externality.

答案: 正确

61、 When market activity generates a negative externality, the level of output in the market equilibrium is lower than the socially optimal level.

答案: 错误

62、  A good that is excludable but not rival is known as a club good.

答案: 正确

63、 Concerts in arenas are not excludable because it is virtually impossible to prevent someone from seeing the show.

答案: 错误

64、 A good that is excludable is one that someone can be prevented from using if she did not pay for it.

答案: 正确

65、 Common resources and public goods have in common that they are not excludable and they are not rival in consumption.

答案: 错误

66、 A free-rider is someone who receives the benefit of a good but avoids paying for it.

答案: 正确

67、 Even economists who advocate small government agree that national defense is a good that the government should provide.

答案: 正确

第五篇 企业行为与产业组织 单元测验5:第五篇(企业成本及完全竞争市场)

1、 A firm has market power if it can

答案: influence the market price of the good it sells.

2、 A book store that has market power can

答案: influence the market price for the books it sells.

3、 The analysis of competitive firms sheds light on the decisions that lie behind the

答案: supply curve.

4、 For any competitive market, the supply curve is closely related to the

答案: firms’ costs of production in that market

5、 Suppose a firm in each of the two markets listed below were to increase its price by 20 percent.  In which pair would the firm in the first market listed experience a dramatic decline in sales, but the firm in the second market listed would not?

答案: spiral notebooks and college textbooks

6、 Suppose a firm in each of the two markets listed below were to increase its price by 30 percent.  In which pair would the firm in the first market listed experience a dramatic decline in sales, but the firm in the second market listed would not?

答案: cable television and gasoline

7、 A key characteristic of a competitive market is that

答案: producers sell nearly identical products.

8、 Which of the following is not a characteristic of a competitive market?

答案: Entry is limited

9、 Which of the following is a characteristic of a competitive market?

答案: Buyers and sellers are price takers.

10、 Who is a price taker in a competitive market?

答案: both buyers and sellers

11、 Competitive markets are characterized by

答案: free entry and exit by firms.

12、 A firm that has little ability to influence market prices operates in a

答案: competitive market.

13、 Because the goods offered for sale in a competitive market are largely the same,

答案: sellers will have little reason to charge less than the going market price.

14、 Which of the following is not a characteristic of a perfectly competitive market?

答案: Firms have difficulty entering the market.

15、 Which of the following is not a characteristic of a perfectly competitive market?

答案: Many firms have market power.

16、 Free entry means that

答案: no legal barriers prevent a firm from entering an industry.

17、 Which of the following industries is most likely to exhibit the characteristic of free entry?

答案: dairy farming

18、 Which of the following industries is least likely to exhibit the characteristic of free entry?

答案: municipal water and sewer

19、 When buyers in a competitive market take the selling price as given, they are said to be

答案: price takers.

20、 Why does a firm in a competitive industry charge the market price?

答案: All the choices are correct.

21、 For a firm operating in a perfectly competitive industry, total revenue, marginal revenue, and average revenue are all equal.

答案: 错误

22、 If a firm charges more than the market price, it loses   all its customers to other firms.

答案: 正确

23、 If a firm notices that its average revenue equals the current market price, that firm must be participating in a competitive market.

答案: 错误

24、 For a firm operating in a competitive market, both marginal revenue and average revenue exceed the market price.

答案: 错误

25、 A profit-maximizing firm in a competitive market will increase production when average revenue exceeds marginal cost.

答案: 正确

26、 A profit-maximizing firm in a competitive market will decrease production when marginal cost exceeds average revenue

答案: 正确

27、 Because there are many buyers and sellers in a perfectly competitive market, no one seller can influence the market price

答案: 正确

28、 When an individual firm in a competitive market increases its production, it is likely that the market price will fall.

答案: 错误

29、 When an individual firm in a competitive market decreases its production, it is likely that the market price will rise.

答案: 错误

30、 In a competitive market, firms are unable to differentiate their product from that of other producers

答案: 正确

31、 Firms in a competitive market are said to be price takers because there are many sellers in the market, and the goods offered by the firms are very similar if not identical.

答案: 正确

32、 The two characteristics of a competitive market are 1) many buyers and sellers in the market and 2) the goods offered by the various sellers are highly differentiated.

答案: 错误

33、 Firms operating in perfectly competitive markets try to maximize profits.

答案: 正确

34、 A firm’s incentive to compare marginal revenue and marginal cost is an application of the principle that rational people think at the margin.

答案: 正确

35、 Firms operating in perfectly competitive markets produce an output level where marginal revenue equals marginal cost.

答案: 正确

36、 A firm is currently producing 100 units of output per day.  The manager reports to the owner that producing the 100th unit costs the firm $5.  The firm can sell the 100th unit for $4.75.  The firm should continue to produce 100 units in order to maximize its profits (or minimize its losses).

答案: 错误

37、 A firm is currently producing 100 units of output per day.  The manager reports to the owner that producing the 100th unit costs the firm $5.  The firm can sell the 100th unit for $5.  The firm should continue to produce 100 units in order to maximize its profits (or minimize its losses).

答案: 正确

38、 All firms maximize profits by producing an output level where marginal revenue equals marginal cost; for firms operating in perfectly competitive industries, maximizing profits also means producing an output level where price equals marginal cost.

答案: 正确

39、 A firm operating in a perfectly competitive industry will continue to operate in the short run but earn losses if the market price is less than that firm’s average total cost but greater than the firm’s average variable cost.

答案: 正确

40、 A firm operating in a perfectly competitive industry will continue to operate in the short run but earn losses if the market price is less than that firm’s average variable cost but greater than the firm’s average fixed cost.

答案: 错误

41、 A firm has market power if it can

答案: influence the market price of the good it sells.

42、 A book store that has market power can

答案: influence the market price for the books it sells.

43、 The analysis of competitive firms sheds light on the decisions that lie behind the

答案: supply curve.

44、 For any competitive market, the supply curve is closely related to the

答案: firms’ costs of production in that market.

45、 A key characteristic of a competitive market is that

答案: producers sell nearly identical products.

46、 Which of the following is not a characteristic of a competitive market?

答案: Entry is limited.

47、 A firm that has little ability to influence market prices operates in a

答案: competitive market.

48、 Which of the following is not a characteristic of a perfectly competitive market?

答案: Firms have difficulty entering the market.

49、 If a firm charges more than the market price in a competitive industry, it loses all its customers to other firms.

答案: 正确

50、 Because there are many buyers and sellers in a perfectly competitive market, no one seller can influence the market price.

答案: 正确

51、 In a competitive market, firms are unable to differentiate their product from that of other producers.

答案: 正确

52、 A firm is currently producing 100 units of output per day.  The manager reports to the owner that producing the 100th unit costs the firm $5. The firm can sell the 100th unit for $5.  The firm should continue to produce 100 units in order to maximize its profits (or minimize its losses).

答案: 正确

第五篇 企业行为与产业组织 单元测验6:第五篇(非完全竞争市场)

1、 Which of the following statements about oligopolies is not correct?

答案: Unlike monopolies and monopolistically competitive markets, oligopolies prices do not exceed their marginal revenues

2、 In the language of game theory, a situation in which each person must consider how others might respond to his or her own actions is called a

答案: strategic situation.

3、 In general, game theory is the study of

答案: how people behave in strategic situations

4、 Which of the following statements is correct?

答案: Game theory is not necessary for understanding competitive or monopoly markets.

5、 In which of the following markets are strategic interactions among firms most likely to occur?

答案: the market for tennis balls

6、 Game theory is important for understanding which of the following market types?

答案: oligoplistic but not perfectly competitive markets

7、 In choosing among alternative courses of action, Raj must consider how others might respond to the action he takes.  In the language of game theory, we say that Raj must think

答案: strategically.

8、 In an oligopoly, each firm knows that its profits

答案: depend on both how much output it produces and how much output its rival firms produce.

9、 A distinguishing feature of an oligopolistic industry is the tension between

答案: cooperation and self interest.

10、 In studying oligopolistic markets, economists assume that

答案: each oligopolist cares only about its own profit.

11、 A special kind of imperfectly competitive market that has only two firms is called

答案: a duopoly.

12、 Which of the following statements is correct?

答案: All choices are correct.

13、 An agreement among firms in a market about quantities to produce or prices to charge is called

答案: collusion

14、 The factors of production are best defined as the

答案: .inputs used to produce goods and services

15、 Because a firm’s demand for a factor of production is derived from its decision to supply a good in the market, it is called a

答案: derived demand.

16、 The term “factor market” applies to the market for

答案: All choices are correct.

17、 Factor markets are different from product markets in an important way because

答案: the demand for a factor of production is a derived demand

18、 Economists refer to the inputs that firms use to produce goods and services as

答案: factors of production.

19、 The basic tools of supply and demand apply to

答案: both markets for goods and services and markets for labor services

20、 A firm in a monopolistically competitive market can earn both short-run and long-run profits

答案: 错误

21、 In the long run, monopolistically competitive firms produce where demand equals marginal cost.

答案: 错误

22、 For competitive firms, the curve that represents the value of marginal product of labor is the same as the demand for labor curve.

答案: 正确

23、 A profit-maximizing competitive firm will hire workers up to the point at which the wage equals the price of the final good

答案: 错误

24、 A profit-maximizing competitive firm will hire workers up to the point at which the wage equals the marginal product of labor

答案: 错误

25、 When a competitive firm hires labor up to the point at which the value of the marginal product of labor equals the wage, it also produces up to the point at which the price of output equals average variable cost

答案: 错误

26、 Monopolistically competitive firms, like monopoly firms, maximize their profits by charging a price that exceeds marginal cost.

答案: 正确

27、 Monopolistic competition and monopoly are examples of a market structure called imperfect competition.

答案: 错误

28、 Oligopoly and monopolistic competition are examples of a market structure called imperfect competition.

答案: 正确

29、 The term Luddite refers to “tekkies” or people who are the first to adopt new technological advances.

答案: 错误

30、 Oligopoly is characterized by a few sellers offering similar products, whereas monopolistic competition is characterized by many sellers offering differentiated products

答案: 正确

31、 Monopolistic competition is characterized by a few sellers offering similar products, whereas oligopoly is characterized by many sellers offering differentiated products.

答案: 错误

32、 Product differentiation always leads to some measure of market power.

答案: 正确

33、 An increase in a product’s price will shift the labor demand curve for workers who produce that product to the left.

答案: 错误

34、 From 1959 to 2009, inflation-adjusted wages increased by 131 percent in the U.S.  As a result, firms reduced the amount of labor they employed by nearly 20 percent

答案: 错误

35、 Monopolistic competition is the only market structure that features many sellers.

答案: 错误

36、 The market for wheat is most likely considered a monopolistically competitive market.

答案: 错误

37、 A monopolistically competitive market is characterized by barriers to entry

答案: 错误

38、 Monopolistic competition is characterized by many buyers and sellers, product differentiation, and free entry.

答案: 正确

39、 The “competition” in monopolistically competitive markets is most likely a result of having many sellers in the market.

答案: 正确

40、 There are four basic types of market structure

答案: 正确

41、 Which of the following statements about oligopolies is not correct?

答案: Unlike monopolies and monopolistically competitive markets, oligopolies prices do not exceed their marginal revenues.

42、 In general, game theory is the study of

答案: how people behave in strategic situations.

43、 In which of the following markets are strategic interactions among firms most likely to occur?

答案: the market for telecom services

44、 In choosing among alternative courses of action, Raj must consider how others might respond to the action he takes. In the language of game theory, we say that Raj must think

答案: strategically.

45、 In studying oligopolistic markets, economists assume that

答案: each oligopolist cares only about its own profit.

46、 Which of the following statements is correct?

答案: All choices are correct.

47、 An agreement among firms in a market about quantities to produce or prices to charge is called

答案: collusion.

48、 A monopoly

答案: can set the price it charges for its output but faces a downward-sloping demand curve so it cannot earn unlimited profits.

49、 Because monopoly firms do not have to compete with other firms, the outcome in a market with a monopoly

答案: is often not in the best interest of society.

50、 The fundamental source of monopoly power is

答案: barriers to entry.

51、 If a monopolist has zero marginal costs, it will produce

答案: the output at which total revenue is maximized.

52、 Which of the following statements is not correct?

答案: Part of the deadweight loss associated with monopoly is measured by the monopolist’s economic profit.

53、 The breakfast cereal industry, with its concentration ratio of 80%, would best be described as a(n)

答案: oligopoly.

54、 Which market structure would likely have the highest concentration ratio?

答案: Monopoly

55、 In the short run, a firm operating in a monopolistically competitive market can earn

答案: All the answers are possible.

56、 A situation in which firms choose their best strategy given the strategies chosen by the other firms in the market is called

答案: a Nash equilibrium.

57、 When an oligopoly market reaches a Nash equilibrium,

答案: a firm will have chosen its best strategy, given the strategies chosen by other firms in the market.

58、 To be successful, a cartel must

答案: agree on the total level of production and on the amount produced by each member.

59、 A group of firms that act in unison to maximize collective profits is called a

答案: cartel.

60、 A firm in a monopolistically competitive market can earn both short-run and long-run profits.

答案: 错误

61、 Price discrimination can increase both the monopolist’s profits and society’s welfare.

答案: 正确

62、 A monopolist earns higher profits by charging one price than by practicing price discrimination.

答案: 错误

63、 University financial aid can be viewed as a type of price discrimination.

答案: 正确

64、 By offering lower prices to customers who buy a large quantity, a monopoly is price discriminating.

答案: 正确

65、 If the government regulates the price a natural monopolist can charge to be equal to the firm’s marginal cost, the government will likely need to subsidize the firm.

答案: 正确

66、 When prisoners’ dilemma games are repeated over and over, sometimes the threat of penalty causes both parties to cooperate.

答案: 正确

67、 Critics of advertising argue that advertising leads to less elastic demand for products and a larger markup of price over marginal cost.

答案: 正确

68、 Policymakers have generally come to accept the view that advertising enhances the efficiency of markets.

答案: 正确

69、 In the prisoners’ dilemma game, confessing is a dominant strategy for each of the two prisoners.

答案: 错误

第六篇 劳动市场经济学 单元测验7:第六篇(劳动市场经济学)

1、 Which of the following is not an example of a factor of production?

答案: interest

2、 Which of the following is an example of a firm’s derived demand?

答案: A firm’s demand for college textbook study guide authors is inseparably linked to the supply of college textbooks.

3、 The basic tools of supply and demand apply to

答案: both markets for goods and services and markets for labor services.

4、 A profit-maximizing, competitive firm for which the marginal product of labor is diminishing also experiences

答案: a downward-sloping demand for labor.

5、 Which of the following statements is correct?

答案: All of the choices are correct.

6、 Paul is the owner of Paul’s Popcorn Palace. Paul is a profit-maximizing owner whose firm operates in a competitive market. An additional worker costs Paul $200 and has a marginal productivity of 40 canisters of popcorn. Assuming no other variable costs, what is the marginal cost of a popcorn?

答案: $5

7、 If the wage exceeds the value of the marginal product of labor, then hiring another worker

答案: decreases the firm’s profit.

8、 The term “compensating differential” refers to

答案: a wage difference that arises from nonmonetary characteristics of different jobs.

9、 Which of the following would not be considered human capital?

答案: the financial capital a chef uses to start his own restaurant.

10、 For a competitive, profit-maximizing firm, the labor demand curve is the same as the

答案: value of marginal product curve.

11、 Economists refer to the inputs that firms use to produce goods and services as

答案: factors of production.

12、 The basic tools of supply and demand apply to

答案: both markets for goods and services and markets for labor  services.

13、 Labor markets are different from most other markets because labor demand is

答案: a derived demand.

14、 The production function is the

答案: relationship between the quantity of inputs and output.

15、 The marginal product of labor is defined as the change in

答案: output per additional unit of labor.

16、 When a production function exhibits a diminishing, but positive, marginal product of labor,

答案: output increases, but at a decreasing rate, as more workers are employed.

17、 Diminishing marginal product occurs when

答案: the marginal product of an input decreases as the   quantity of the input increases.

18、 If a firm experiences diminishing marginal productivity of labor, the marginal product

答案: decreases as total product increases.

19、 For a profit-maximizing, competitive firm, the value of the marginal product of labor

答案: is the firm’s demand for labor.

20、 Value of marginal product is defined as the additional

答案: revenue earned from hiring one more factor of production.

21、 Average productivity can be measured as total output divided by total units of labor

答案: 正确

22、 For a snow-removal business, the capital stock would include inputs such as snow blowers and shovels

答案: 正确

23、 When a firm decides to retain its earnings instead of paying dividends, the stockholders necessarily suffer

答案: 错误

24、 Capital owners are compensated according to the value of the marginal product of that capita

答案: 正确

25、 Suppose the supply of capital decreases.  As a result, the quantity of capital used in production and the rental price of capital will both fall

答案: 错误

26、 The rental price of capital is the price a person pays to own the capital indefinitely

答案: 错误

27、 Capital income does not include income paid to households for the use of their capital

答案: 错误

28、 Firms pay out a portion of their earnings in the form of interest and dividends, and those payments are a portion of the economy’s capital income

答案: 正确

29、 The marginal product of land depends on the quantity of land that is available

答案: 正确

30、 Suppose an influenza pandemic were to significantly decrease the population of a country.  We would predict a decrease in the marginal product of land in that country

答案: 正确

31、 For profit-maximizing, competitive firms, the demand curve for each factor of production equals the value of the marginal product of that factor.

答案: 正确

32、 A change in the supply of any one factor alters the earnings of all the other factors

答案: 正确

33、 An event that changes the supply of any factor of production can alter the earnings of all the factors.

答案: 正确

34、 If men’s preferences for work change such that more men want to be stay-at-home fathers, the wages paid to men who remain in the workplace would rise, all else equal

答案: 正确

35、 If the demand for labor in a particular industry increases, the equilibrium wage in that industry will also increase

答案: 正确

36、 Labor supply curves are always upward sloping

答案: 错误

37、 Labor-saving technological advances increase the marginal productivity of labor.

答案: 错误

38、 The demand for computer programmers is inseparably tied to the supply of computer software.

答案: 正确

39、 If a firm is able to charge a higher price for its output, all else equal, the value of the marginal product of labor will decrease to offset the higher price

答案: 错误

40、 Stock dividends and interest payments are examples of factors of production.

答案: 错误

41、 Which of the following is an example of a firm’s derived demand?

答案: A firm’s demand for college textbook study guide authors is inseparably linked to the supply of college textbooks.

42、 When deciding whether to hire an additional worker, firms need only consider how the additional worker would affect

答案: profit.

43、 Which of the following would not be considered human capital?

答案: the financial capital a chef uses to start his own restaurant.

44、 The basic tools of supply and demand apply to

答案: both markets for goods and services and markets for labor services.

45、 When a production function exhibits a diminishing, but positive, marginal product of labor,

答案: output increases, but at a decreasing rate, as more workers are employed.

46、 Diminishing marginal product occurs when

答案: the marginal product of an input decreases as the quantity of the input increases.

47、 If a firm experiences diminishing marginal productivity of labor, the marginal product

答案: decreases as total product increases.

48、 For a profit-maximizing, competitive firm, the value of the marginal product of labor

答案: is the firm’s demand for labor.

49、 Workers who work the night shift are often paid more than those who do identical work on the day shift. This is referred to as a

答案: compensating differential.

50、 If government regulations make a certain job less dangerous, then we’d expect that the supply of labor for that job would

答案: increase, which by itself would reduce the wage for that job.

51、 The time spent by students in college

答案: is an investment in human capital.

52、 Which of the following explains the “beauty premium” differences in wages?

答案: People who spend time on their personal appearance may send a signal that they are more productive workers.

53、 Average productivity can be measured as total output divided by total units of labor.

答案: 正确

54、 For a snow-removal business, the capital stock would include inputs such as snow blowers and shovels.

答案: 正确

55、 When a firm decides to retain its earnings instead of paying dividends, the stockholders necessarily suffer.

答案: 错误

56、 Capital owners are compensated according to the value of the marginal product of that capita.

答案: 正确

57、 Suppose the supply of capital decreases.  As a result, the quantity of capital used in production and the rental price of capital will both fall.

答案: 错误

58、 The rental price of capital is the price a person pays to own the capital indefinitely.

答案: 错误

59、 Capital income does not include income paid to households for the use of their capital.

答案: 错误

60、 Firms pay out a portion of their earnings in the form of interest and dividends, and those payments are a portion of the economy’s capital income.

答案: 正确

61、 The marginal product of land depends on the quantity of other factors of production that are available.

答案: 正确

62、 Suppose an influenza pandemic were to significantly decrease the population of a country. We would predict a decrease in the marginal product of land in that country.

答案: 正确

63、 A change in the supply of any one factor alters the earnings of all the other factors.

答案: 正确

64、 If men’s preferences for work change such that more men want to be stay-at-home fathers, the wages paid to men who remain in the workplace would rise, all else equal.

答案: 正确

65、 If the demand for labor in a particular industry increases, the equilibrium wage in that industry will also increase.

答案: 正确

66、 Labor supply curves are always upward sloping.

答案: 错误

67、 If a firm is able to charge a higher price for its output, all else equal, the value of the marginal product of labor will decrease to offset the higher price.

答案: 错误

第七篇 消费者行为理论 单元测验8:第七篇(消费者行为理论)

1、 The theory of consumer choice examines how

答案: consumers make utility-maximizing decisions.

2、 A budget constraint shows

答案: a series of bundles that cost the consumer the same amount of money.

3、 Indifference curves that cross violate the property of

答案: transitivity.

4、 When two goods are perfect substitutes, the  

答案: indifference curve is a downward-sloping straight line.

5、 When a consumer is purchasing the best combination of two goods, X and Y, subject to a budget constraint, we say that the consumer is at an optimal choice point.  A graph of an optimal choice point shows that it occurs  

答案: All the answers are correct.

6、 The relationship between the marginal utility that David gets from eating ice cream sundaes and the number of ice cream cones he eats per week is as follows:Ice Cream Sundaes 1 2 3456Marginal Utility201612840David receives 3 units of utility from the last dollar spent on each of the other goods he consumes. If ice cream sundaes cost $4 each, how many ice cream sundaes will he consume per month if he maximizes utility?

答案: 3

7、 The consumer’s optimum is where

答案: MUx/Px = MUy/Py

8、 Suppose a consumer has preferences over two goods, X and Y, which are perfect substitutes. In particular, two units of X is equivalent to one unit of Y. If the price of X is $1, the price of Y is $3, and the consumer has $30 of income to allocate to these two goods, how much of each good should the consumer purchase to maximize satisfaction?

答案: 30 units of X and 0 units of Y

9、 When the price of a good increases, all else equal, the higher price

答案: reduces the consumer’s set of buying opportunities.

10、 When Matt has an income of $2,000, he consumes 30 units of good A and 50 units of good B.  After Matt’s income increases to $3,000, he consumes 25 units of good A and 95 units of good B.  Which of the following statements is correct?

答案: Good A is an inferior good, and good B is a normal good.

11、 The theory of consumer choice provides the foundation for understanding the

答案: demand for a firm’s product.

12、 The theory of consumer choice examines

答案: the tradeoffs inherent in decisions made by consumers.

13、 The theory of consumer choice examines how

答案: consumers make utility-maximizing decisions

14、 The theory of consumer choice illustrates the

答案: the trade-offs that people face in their role as purchasers.

15、 When a consumer spends less time enjoying leisure and more time working, she has

答案: higher income and therefore can afford more consumption.

16、 If we observe that a consumer’s budget constraint has shifted inward, we can assume that the consumer will be

答案: fewer normal goods and more inferior goods.

17、 When Stanley has an income of $1,000, he consumes 30 units of good A and 50 units of good B.  After Stanley’s income increases to $1,500, he consumes 60 units of good A and 45 units of good B.  Which of the following statements is correct?

答案: Good A is a normal good, and good B is an inferior good.

18、 Economists have found evidence of a Giffen good when studying the consumption of rice in the Chinese province of Hunan.

答案: 正确

19、 Shelley wins $1 million in her state’s lottery.  If Shelley keeps working after she wins the money, we can infer that the substitution effect must exactly offset the income effect for he

答案: 错误

20、 A rational person can have a negatively-sloped labor supply curve.

答案: 正确

21、 The substitution effect in the work-leisure model induces a person to work less in response to higher wages, which tends to make the labor-supply curve slope upward

答案: 错误

22、 The income effect in the work-leisure model induces a person to work less in response to higher wages, which tends to make the labor-supply curve slope backward

答案: 正确

23、 A rise in the interest rate will generally result in people consuming more when they are old if the substitution effect outweighs the income effect.

答案: 正确

24、 A rise in the interest rate will generally result in people consuming less when they are old if the substitution effect outweighs the income effect.

答案: 错误

25、 The theory of consumer choice is representative of how consumers make decisions but is not intended to be a literal account of the process.

答案: 正确

26、 The direction of the substitution effect is not influenced by whether the good is normal or inferior.

答案: 正确

27、 The income effect of a price change is unaffected by whether the good is a normal or inferior good

答案: 错误

28、 A typical consumer consumes both coffee and donuts.  After the consumer’s income decreases, the consumer consumes more coffee but fewer donuts than before.  For this consumer, donuts are a normal good, but coffee is an inferior good.

答案: 正确

29、 At a consumer’s optimal choice, the consumer chooses the combination of goods such that the ratio of the marginal utilities equals the ratio of the prices.

答案: 正确

30、 A consumer’s optimal choice is affected by income, prices of goods, and preferences.

答案: 正确

31、 A budget constraint shows

答案: a series of bundles that cost the consumer the same amount of money.

32、 When two goods are perfect substitutes, the

答案: indifference curve is a downward-sloping straight line.

33、 When a consumer is purchasing the best combination of two goods, X and Y, subject to a budget constraint, we say that the consumer is at an optimal choice point. A graph of an optimal choice point shows that it occurs

答案: All answers are correct.

34、 The relationship between the marginal utility that David gets from eating ice cream sundaes and the number of ice cream cones he eats per week is as follows:Ice Cream Sundaes 1 2 3456Marginal Utility201612840David receives 3 units of utility from the last dollar spent on each of the other goods he consumes. If ice cream sundaes cost $4 each, how many ice cream sundaes will he consume per month if he maximizes utility?

答案: 3

35、 The consumer’s optimum is where

答案: MUx/Px = MUy/Py

36、 Suppose a consumer has preferences over two goods, X and Y, which are perfect substitutes. In particular, two units of X is equivalent to one unit of Y. If the price of X is $1, the price of Y is $3, and the consumer has $30 of income to allocate to these two goods, how much of each good should the consumer purchase to maximize satisfaction?

答案: 30 units of X and 0 units of Y

37、 When Matt has an income of $2,000, he consumes 30 units of good A and 50 units of good B.  After Matt’s income increases to $3,000, he consumes 25 units of good A and 95 units of good B. Which of the following statements is correct?

答案: Good A is an inferior good, and good B is a normal good.

38、 The theory of consumer choice provides the foundation for understanding the

答案: demand for a firm’s product.

39、 The theory of consumer choice examines how

答案: consumers make utility-maximizing decisions.

40、 The theory of consumer choice illustrates the

答案: the trade-offs that people face in their role as purchasers.

41、 The opportunity cost of current household consumption is the

答案: market interest rate.

42、 Jake experiences an increase in his wages. The hours of labor that he supplies to the market would decrease if

答案: the income effect is larger than the substitution effect.

43、 In the upward-sloping portion of the individual labor-supply curve, the substitution effect is

答案: greater than the income effect.

44、 If the consumer’s income and all prices simultaneously decrease by one-half, then the optimum consumption will

答案: not change.

45、 The substitution effect in the work-leisure model induces a person to work less in response to higher wages, which tends to make the labor-supply curve slope upward.

答案: 错误

46、 The income effect of a price change is unaffected by whether the good is a normal or inferior good.

答案: 错误

47、 The indifference curves for left shoes and right shoes are right angles.

答案: 正确

48、 Susie wins $2 million in her state’s lottery. If Susie keeps working after she wins the money, we can infer that the income effect is larger than the substitution effect for her.

答案: 错误






第八篇 宏观经济学概论 单元测验9:第八篇(宏观经济学概论)

1、 Macroeconomists study

答案: economy-wide phenomena.

2、 Which of the following is not a question that macroeconomists address?

答案: Why does the price of oil rise when war erupts in the Middle East?

3、 Which of the following statistic is usually regarded as the best single measure of a society’s economic well-being?

答案: gross domestic product

4、 Gross domestic product measures two things at once: (  )

答案: the total income of everyone in the economy and the total expenditure on the economy’s output of goods and services.

5、 Which of the following items is included in U.S. GDP?

答案: All the answers are correct.

6、 Tyler and Camille both live in Oklahoma.  A new-car dealer in Oklahoma bought a new car from the manufacturer for $18,000 and sold it to Tyler for $22,000.  Later that year, Tyler sold the car to Camille for $17,000.  By how much did these transactions contribute to U.S. GDP for the year? (  )

答案: $22,000

7、 Which of the following examples of household spending is categorized as investment rather than consumption?

答案: expenditures on new housing.

8、 Suppose an economy produces only cheese and fish.  In 2008, 20 units of cheese are sold at $5 each and 8 units of fish are sold at $50 each.  In 2007, the base year, the price of cheese was $10 per unit and the price of fish was $75 per unit.  For 2008, (  )

答案: nominal GDP is $500, real GDP is $800, and the GDP deflator is 62.5.

9、 In the economy of Wrexington in 2008, real GDP was $25 billion and the GDP deflator was 68.  What was Wrexington’s nominal GDP in 2008?

答案: $17 billion

10、 Government purchases include spending on goods and services by

答案: federal, state, and local governments.

11、 When markets fail, which of the following is true?

答案: Government intervention can potentially improve outcomes.

12、 Which of the following is included in U.S. GDP?

答案: The value of production by a Singaporean working in the U.S.

13、 George lived in a home that was newly constructed in 2005 for which he paid $200,000.  In 2008 he sold the house for $225,000.  Which of the following statements is correct regarding the sale of the house?

答案: The 2008 sale affected neither 2008 GDP nor 2005 GDP.

14、 Which of the following domestically produced items is not included in GDP?

答案: All the items are included in GDP.

15、 Tim mows the yard for his neighbors. He spends $1 on gas and charges them $20 for each lawn he mows.  What’s the total contribution to GDP each time Tim mows a yard?

答案: $20

16、 Gasoline is considered a final good if it is sold by a

答案: gasoline station to a motorist in Los Angeles.

17、 Macroeconomics is the study of the economy as a whole.

答案: 正确

18、 Macroeconomic statistics tell us about a particular household, firm, or market.

答案: 错误

19、 The goal of macroeconomics is to explain the economic changes that affect many households, firms, and markets simultaneously.

答案: 正确

20、 The basic tools of supply and demand are as central to macroeconomic analysis as they are to microeconomic analysis.

答案: 正确

21、 GDP can measure either the total income of everyone in the economy or the total expenditure on the economy’s output of goods and services, but GDP cannot measure both at the same time.

答案: 错误

22、 GDP is the market value of all final goods and services produced by a country’s citizens in a given period of time.

答案: 错误

23、 GDP includes only the value of final goods because the value of intermediate goods is already included in the prices of the final goods.

答案: 正确

24、 The government purchases component of GDP includes salaries paid to soldiers but not Social Security benefits paid to the elderly.

答案: 正确

25、 If the value of an economy’s imports exceeds the value of that economy’s exports, then net exports is a negative number.

答案: 正确

26、 If nominal GDP is $12,000 and the GDP deflator is 80, then real GDP is $15,000.

答案: 正确

27、 Macroeconomic statistics include GDP, the inflation rate, the unemployment rate, retail sales, and the trade deficit.

答案: 正确

28、 Macroeconomic statistics tell us about a particular household, firm, or market

答案: 错误

29、 Macroeconomics is the study of the economy as a whole

答案: 正确

30、 The basic tools of supply and demand are central to microeconomic analysis but are of little use to macroeconomics

答案: 错误

31、 GDP is the most closely watched economic statistic because it is thought to be the best single measure of a society’s economic well-being.

答案: 正确

32、 GDP can measure either the total income of everyone in the economy or the total expenditure on the economy’s output of goods and services, but GDP cannot measure both at the same time.

答案: 错误

33、 For an economy as a whole, income must exceed expenditure.

答案: 错误

34、 GDP is the market value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given period of time

答案: 正确

35、 At a rummage sale, you buy two old books and an old rocking chair; your spending on these items is not included in current GDP

答案: 正确

36、 The government computes measures of income other than GDP because these other measures usually tell different stories about overall economic conditions

答案: 错误

37、 Gross domestic product measures two things at once

答案: the total income of everyone in the economy and the total expenditure on the economy’s output of goods and services.

38、 Which of the following items is included in China’s GDP?

答案: All answers are correct.

39、 Tyler and Camille both live in Oklahoma.  A new-car dealer in Oklahoma bought a new car from the manufacturer for $18,000 and sold it to Tyler for $22,000.  Later that year, Tyler sold the car to Camille for $17,000.  By how much did these transactions contribute to U.S. GDP for the year?

答案: $22,000

40、 Which of the following examples of household spending is categorized as investment rather than consumption?

答案: expenditures on new housing.

41、 Suppose an economy produces only cheese and fish. In 2008, 20 units of cheese are sold at $5 each and 8 units of fish are sold at $50 each. In 2007, the base year, the price of cheese was $10 per unit and the price of fish was $75 per unit.  For 2008, 

答案: nominal GDP is $500, real GDP is $800, and the GDP deflator is 62.5.

42、 Which of the following is included in China’s GDP?

答案: The value of production by a Singaporean working in China.

43、 Which of the following domestically produced items is not included in GDP?

答案: All items are included in GDP.

44、 Gasoline is considered a final good if it is sold by a

答案: gasoline station to a motorist in Chengdu.

45、 Suppose the government eliminates all environmental regulations and, as a result, the production of goods and services increases, but there is considerably more pollution. Based on this scenario, which of the following statements is correct?

答案: GDP would definitely increase because GDP excludes environmental quality.

46、 Macroeconomics is the study of the economy as a whole.

答案: 正确

47、 Macroeconomic statistics tell us about a particular household, firm, or market.

答案: 错误

48、 The basic tools of supply and demand are central to microeconomic analysis but are of little use to macroeconomics.

答案: 错误

49、 GDP is the market value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given period of time.

答案: 正确

50、 At a rummage sale, you buy two old books and an old rocking chair; your spending on these items is not included in current GDP.

答案: 正确

51、 The government computes measures of income other than GDP because these other measures usually tell different stories about overall economic conditions.

答案: 错误

52、 Changes in the GDP deflator reflect only changes in the prices of goods and services.

答案: 正确

第九篇 国民收入的来源与分配 单元测验10:第九篇(国民收入的来源与分配)

1、 If there are constant returns to scale, the production function can be written as(  )

答案: Y/L = A F( 1, K/L, H/L, N/L).

2、 An economy’s production function has the constant-returns-to-scale property. If the economy’s labor force doubled and all other inputs stayed the same, then real GDP would(  )

答案: increase, but not necessarily by either 50 percent or 100 percent.

3、 Given that a country’s real output has increased, in which of the following cases can we be sure that its productivity also has increased?

答案: It is unable to judge. 

4、 The inputs used to produce goods and services are also called()

答案: factors of production.

5、 The Peapod Restaurant uses all of the following to produce vegetarian meals. Which of them is an example of physical capital?

答案: the tables and chairs in the restaurant

6、 Net exports must equal zero for any economy

答案: All the answers are correct.

7、 According to the definitions of private and public saving, if Y, C, and G remained the same, an increase in taxes would (  )

答案: lower private saving and raise public saving.

8、 A larger budget surplus

答案: reduces the interest rate and raises investment.

9、 Dilbert’s Incorporated produced 5,000,000 units of accounting software in 2004. At the start of 2005 the pointy-haired boss reduced total annual hours of employment from 10,000 to 8,000 and production was 4,800,000. These numbers indicate that productivity

答案: rose by 20%.

10、 In a closed economy, what does (Y – T – C) represent?

答案: private saving

11、 The most important factors of production are capital and labor.

答案: 正确

12、 Like physical capital, human capital is a produced factor of production.

答案: 正确

13、 As capital per worker rises, output per worker rises. However, the increase in output per worker from an addition to capital is smaller, the larger is the existing amount of capital per worker.

答案: 正确

14、 Consumption depends positively on disposable income—the amount of income after all taxes have been paid. The higher disposable income is, the greater consumption is.

答案: 正确

15、 The quantity of investment goods demanded depends negatively on the real interest rate.

答案: 正确

16、 Government purchases are a measure of the dollar value of goods and services purchased indirectly by the government.

答案: 错误

17、 The financial system coordinates investment and saving, which are important determinants of long-run real GDP

答案: 正确

18、 National saving is equal to Y – T – C.

答案: 错误

19、 Public saving is equal to national saving minus private saving.

答案: 正确

20、 If, for an imaginary closed economy, investment amounts to $10,000 and the government is running a $2,500 deficit, then private saving must amount to $12,500.

答案: 正确

21、 If there are constant returns to scale, the production function can be written as

答案: Y/L = AF( 1, K/L, H/L, N/L).

22、 The inputs used to produce goods and services are also called

答案: factors of production.

23、 Net exports must equal zero for any economy

答案: All answers are correct.

24、 According to the definitions of private and public saving, if Y, C, and G remained the same, an increase in taxes would

答案: lower private saving and raise public saving.

25、 When a country saves a larger portion of its GDP than it did before, it will have

答案: more capital and higher productivity.

26、 The primary economic function of the financial system is to

答案: match one person’s saving with another person’s investment.

27、 Which of the following is correct?

答案: The financial system channels funds from savers to borrowers.

28、 Suppose private saving in a closed economy is $12b and investment is $10b.

答案: The government budget deficit must equal $2b.

29、 The real interest rate is the

答案: interest rate corrected for inflation.

30、 Which of the following would not be a result of replacing the income tax with a consumption tax so that interest income was no longer taxed?

答案: Investment would decrease.

31、 In the market for loanable funds, the interaction of the demand for, and supply of, loanable funds determines the equilibrium level of

答案: the real interest rate.

32、 If the budget deficit increases then

答案: saving falls and the interest rate rises.

33、 Government purchases are a measure of the monetary value of goods and services purchased indirectly by the government.

答案: 错误

34、 The financial system coordinates investment and saving, which are important determinants of long-run real GDP.

答案: 正确

35、 Generally, if people begin to expect a company to have higher future profits, the price of the company’s stock will begin to decrease.

答案: 错误

36、 In a closed economy, if taxes fall and consumption rises, then private saving must fall.

答案: 错误

第十篇 货币与通货膨胀 单元测验11:第十篇(货币与通货膨胀)

1、 Commodity money is(  )

答案: money with intrinsic value.

2、 Which of the following statements is correct? (  )

答案: All items that are included in M1 are included also in M2.

3、 Which of the following items is included in the M2 definition of the money supply? (  )

答案: money market mutual funds

4、 The money supply in Muckland is $100 billion. Nominal GDP is $800 billion and real GDP is $400 billion. What are the price level and velocity in Muckland? (  )

答案: The price level is 2 and velocity is 8.

5、 Which of the following is not implied by the quantity equation? (  )

答案: With constant money supply and velocity, an increase in output creates a proportional increase in the price level.

6、 The Fisher effect (  )

答案: says there is a one for one adjustment of the nominal interest rate to the inflation rate.

7、 Shawn puts money into an account. One year later he sees that he has 5 percent more dollars and that his money will buy 6 percent more goods. (  )

答案: The nominal interest rate was 5 percent and the inflation rate was -1 percent.

8、 As the price level rises, the value of money (  )

答案: falls, and people desire to hold more of it.

9、 People can reduce the inflation tax by(  )

答案: reducing cash holdings.

10、 When the money supply and the price level in countries that experienced hyperinflation are plotted on a graph against time, we see that(  )

答案: the price level grew at about the same rate as the money supply.

11、 People can reduce the inflation tax by

答案: reducing cash holdings.

12、 The shoeleather cost of inflation refers to

答案: the waste of resources used to maintain lower money holdings

13、 Suppose one year ago the price index was 120 and Maria purchased $20,000 worth of bonds. One year later the price index is 126. Maria redeems his bonds for $22,250 and is in a 40 percent tax bracket. What is Maria’s real after-tax rate of interest to the nearest tenth of a percent?

答案: 1.8 percent

14、 Given a nominal interest rate of 6 percent, in which of the following cases would you earn the lowest after-tax real rate of interest?

答案: Inflation is 4 percent; the tax rate is 5 percent

15、 Which of the following are costs incurred by people trying to protect themselves from the effects of inflation?

答案: menu costs and shoeleather costs

16、 The data on hyperinflation show a clear link between the quantity of money and

答案: the price level.

17、 Suppose that M is fixed but that P falls.  According to the quantity equation which of the following could both by themselves explain the decrease in P?

答案: Y rose, V fell

18、 If P = 4 and Y = 450, then which of the following pairs of values are possible?

答案: M = 600, V =3

19、 If velocity = 5, the price level = 1.5, and the real value of output is 2,500, then the quantity of money is

答案: 750.00

20、 Which of the following is correct?

答案: All the answers are correct.

21、 M2 is both larger and more liquid than M1.

答案: 错误

22、 The Federal Reserve primarily uses open-market operations to change the money supply.

答案: 正确

23、 The quantity theory of money implies that if output and velocity are constant, then a 50 percent increase in the money supply would lead to less than a 50 percent increase in the price level.

答案: 错误

24、 When the value of money is on the vertical axis, an increase in the price level shifts money demand to the right.

答案: 错误

25、 Considering inflation, the nominal interest rate relevant for money demand is  r  + Ep.

答案: 正确

26、 In the 1990s, U.S. prices rose at about the same rate as in the 1970s.

答案: 错误

27、 The Fisher effect says that increases in the inflation rate lead to one-to-one increases in nominal interest rates.

答案: 正确

28、 The quantity theory of money can explain hyperinflations but not moderate inflation.

答案: 错误

29、 The goal of the consumer price index is to gauge how much incomes must rise to maintain a constant standard of living.

答案: 正确

30、 The money demand curve shifts to the left when the Fed buys government bonds.

答案: 错误

31、 As the price level falls, the value of money falls

答案: 错误

32、 If the quantity of money demanded is greater than the quantity supplied, then the value of money rises.

答案: 正确

33、 An excess supply of money is eliminated by a falling price level

答案: 错误

34、 An excess supply of money is eliminated by a decrease in the value of money

答案: 正确

35、 Real GDP measures output of final goods and services in physical terms.

答案: 错误

36、 According to the Fisher effect, if inflation rises then the nominal interest rate rises.

答案: 正确

37、 If the real interest rate is 5% and the inflation rate is 3%, then the nominal interest rate is 8%.

答案: 正确

38、 Suppose the nominal interest rate is 10 percent, the tax rate on interest income is 28 percent, and the inflation rate is 6 percent.  Then the after-tax real interest rate is -3.2 percent.

答案: 错误

39、 If inflation is higher than expected, then borrowers make nominal interest payments that are less than they expected.

答案: 错误

40、 Commodity money is

答案: money with intrinsic value.

41、 Which of the following statements is correct?

答案: All items that are included in M1 are included also in M2.

42、 Which of the following items is included in the M2 definition of the money supply?

答案: money market mutual funds

43、 The money supply in Muckland is $100 billion. Nominal GDP is $800 billion and real GDP is $400 billion. What are the price level and velocity in Muckland?

答案: The price level is 2 and velocity is 8.

44、 Which of the following is not implied by the quantity equation?

答案: With constant money supply and velocity, an increase in output creates a proportional increase in the price level.

45、 The Fisher effect

答案: says there is a one for one adjustment of the nominal interest rate to the inflation rate.

46、 Shawn puts money into an account. One year later he sees that he has 5 percent more dollars and that his money will buy 6 percent more goods.

答案: The nominal interest rate was 5 percent and the inflation rate was -1 percent.

47、 As the price level rises, the value of money

答案: falls, and people desire to hold more of it.

48、 People can reduce the inflation tax by

答案: reducing cash holdings.

49、 When the money supply and the price level in countries that experienced hyperinflation are plotted on a graph against time, we see that

答案: the price level grew at about the same rate as the money supply.

50、 The shoeleather cost of inflation refers to

答案: the waste of resources used to maintain lower money holdings.

51、 Which of the following are costs incurred by people trying to protect themselves from the effects of inflation?

答案: menu costs and shoeleather costs

52、 The data on hyperinflation show a clear link between the quantity of money and

答案: the price level.

53、 If velocity = 5, the price level = 1.5, and the real value of output is 2,500, then the quantity of money is

答案: 750.00.

54、 Which of the following is correct?

答案: All answers are correct.

55、 The money demand curve shifts to the left when the central bank buys government bonds.

答案: 错误

56、 As the price level falls, the value of money falls.

答案: 错误

57、 An excess supply of money is eliminated by a falling price level.

答案: 错误

58、 An excess supply of money is eliminated by a decrease in the value of money.

答案: 正确

59、 Suppose the nominal interest rate is 10 percent, the tax rate on interest income is 28 percent, and the inflation rate is 6 percent. Then the after-tax real interest rate is -3.2 percent.

答案: 错误

第十一篇 总需求与总供给 单元测验12:第十一篇(总需求与总供给)

1、 Which of the following explains why production rises in most years?

答案: All the answers are correct.

2、 During a recession the economy experiences

答案: falling employment and income.

3、 During recessions,

答案: All the answers are correct.

4、 Which of the following is correct?

答案: When real GDP falls, the rate of unemployment rises.

5、 Which of the following is most commonly used to monitor short-run changes in economic activity?

答案: real GDP

6、 Which of the following fall during a recession?

答案: both retail sales and employment

7、 Which of the following  rises during recessions?

答案: layoffs but not consumer spending

8、 According to classical macroeconomic theory, changes in the money supply affect

答案: the price level, but not real GDP.

9、 The model of short-run economic fluctuations focuses on the price level and

答案: real GDP.

10、 The model of aggregate demand and aggregate supply explains the relationship between

答案: real GDP and the price level.

11、 According to classical macroeconomic theory, changes in the money supply change nominal but not real variables.

答案: 正确

12、 Like real GDP, investment fluctuates, but it fluctuates much less than real GDP.

答案: 错误

13、 When output rises, unemployment falls.

答案: 正确

14、 An increase in the money supply causes output to rise in the long run.

答案: 错误

15、 The aggregate demand and aggregate supply model helps us to understand both short-run economic fluctuations and how the economy moves from the short to the long run.

答案: 正确

16、 Aggregate demand shifts to the left if the money supply increases.

答案: 错误

17、  An increase in the money supply causes the interest rate to fall, investment spending to rise, and aggregate demand to shift right.

答案: 正确

18、 We can explain continued increases in both output and the price level by supposing that only aggregate demand shifted right over time

答案: 错误

19、 When the price level rises unexpectedly, some businesses may mistake part of the increase for an increase in the price of their product relative to others and so decrease their production

答案: 错误

20、 If aggregate demand shifts right, then eventually price level expectations rise.  The increase in price level expectations causes the short-run aggregate-supply curve to shift to the left.

答案: 正确

21、 Which of the following explains why production rises in most years?

答案: All answers are correct.

22、 Which of the following is most commonly used to monitor short-run changes in economic activity?

答案: real GDP.

23、 Which of the following rises during recessions?

答案: layoffs but not consumer spending

24、 A relatively mild period of falling incomes and rising unemployment is called a(n)

答案: recession.

25、 Which of the following is not correct?

答案: A recession is a period of declining real incomes and declining unemployment.

26、 Which of the following is correct?

答案: None of the answers is correct.

27、 During recessions investment

答案: falls by a larger percentage than GDP.

28、 Which part of real GDP fluctuates most over the course of the business cycle?

答案: investment expenditures

29、 Economic variables we are most interested in are

答案: real variables, but we usually observe nominal variables.

30、 The classical model is the appropriate model for analysis of the economy in the 

答案: long run, because real and nominal variables are essentially determined separately in the long run.

31、 The aggregate-demand curve shows that a decrease in the price level

答案: increases the real value of goods and services demanded in the economy.

32、 When the price level changes, which of the following variables will change and thereby cause a change in the aggregate quantity of goods and services demanded?

答案: All answers are correct.

33、 Changes in the price level affect which components of aggregate demand?

答案: consumption, investment, and net exports

34、 The long-run aggregate supply curve shows that by itself a permanent change in aggregate demand would lead to a long-run change

答案: in the price level, but not output.

35、 We can explain continued increases in both output and the price level by supposing that only aggregate demand shifted right over time.

答案: 错误

36、 When the price level rises unexpectedly, some businesses may mistake part of the increase for an increase in the price of their product relative to others and so decrease their production.

答案: 错误

37、 The logic of the exchange-rate effect begins with a change in the price level changing the interest rate.

答案: 正确

38、 An increase in the money supply causes the interest rate to fall, investment spending to rise, and aggregate demand to shift right.

答案: 正确

39、 All explanations for the upward slope of the short-run aggregate supply curve suppose that the quantity of output supplied increases when the actual price level exceeds the expected price level.

答案: 正确

第十二篇 IS-LM 模型 单元测验13:第十二篇(IS-LM模型)

1、 The IS curve plots the relationship between the interest rate and __ that arises in the market for ____.

答案: national income; goods and services

2、 In the Keynesian-cross model, actual expenditures differ from planned expenditures by the amount of:

答案: unplanned inventory investment

3、 According to the theory of liquidity preference, tightening the money supply will __ nominal interest rates in the short run, and, according to the Fisher effect, tightening the money supply will ____ nominal interest rates in the long run.

答案: increase; decrease

4、 A decrease in the nominal money supply, other things being equal, will shift the LM curve

答案: upward and to the left.

5、 The IS and LM curves together generally determine:

答案: both income and the interest rate.

6、 Using the Keynesian-cross analysis, assume that the consumption function is given by C = 100 + 0.6(Y – T). If planned investment is 100 and T is 100, then the level of G needed to make equilibrium Y equal 1,000 is:

答案: 260

7、 Assume that the money demand function is (M/P)d = 2,200 – 200r, where r is the interest rate in percent. The money supply M is 2,000 and the price level P is 2. The equilibrium interest rate is:

答案: 6%

8、 Assume that the money demand function is (M/P)d = 2,200 – 200r, where r is the interest rate in percent. The money supply M is 2,000 and the price level P is 2. If the price level is fixed and the Fed wants to fix the interest rate at 7 percent, it should set the money supply at:

答案: 1600

9、 If MPC = 0.75 (and there are no income taxes), when G increases by 100, then the IS curve for any given interest rate shifts to the right by:

答案: 400

10、 If MPC = 0.75, when T decreases by 100, then the IS curve for any given interest rate shifts to the right by:

答案: 300

11、 Shifts in the aggregate-demand curve can cause fluctuations in

答案: the level of output and in the level of prices.

12、 The interest-rate effect

答案: depends on the idea that increases in interest rates decrease the quantity of goods and services demanded

13、 According to classical macroeconomic theory,

答案: All the choices are correct.

14、 Monetary policy

答案: can be described either in terms of the money supply or in terms of the interest rate

15、 According to liquidity preference theory, equilibrium in the money market is achieved by adjustments in

答案: the interest rate

16、 The theory of liquidity preference is most helpful in understanding

答案: the interest-rate effect.

17、 The IS–LM model takes the price level as exogenous.

答案: 正确

18、 A variable that links the market for goods and services and the market for real money balances in the IS–LM model is the interest rate.

答案: 正确

19、 In the Keynesian-cross model with a given MPC, the government-expenditure multiplier is smaller than the tax multiplier.

答案: 错误

20、 An LM curve shows combinations of interest rates and income, which bring equilibrium in the market for real money balances.

答案: 正确

21、 A decrease in the price level, holding nominal money supply constant, will shift the LM curve upward and to the left

答案: 错误

22、 According to the theory of liquidity preference, the supply of real money balances is fixed

答案: 正确

23、 In the Keynesian-cross model, fiscal policy has a multiplied effect on income because fiscal policy changes income, which changes investment, which further changes income.

答案: 错误

24、 In the IS–LM model, changes in taxes initially affect planned expenditures through consumption

答案: 正确

25、 An increase in the money supply shifts the LM curve to the right, and the aggregate demand curve to the left.

答案: 错误

26、 A tax cut shifts the IS curve to the right, and the aggregate demand curve to the right.

答案: 正确

27、 Both monetary policy and fiscal policy affect aggregate demand

答案: 正确

28、 Monetary policy and fiscal policy are the only factors that influence aggregate demand

答案: 错误

29、 Sometimes, changes in monetary policy and/or fiscal policy are intended to offset changes to aggregate demand over which policymakers have little or no control

答案: 正确

30、 An increase in the money supply decreases the equilibrium interest rate and shifts the aggregate-demand curve to the right

答案: 正确

31、 Changes in monetary policy aimed at reducing aggregate demand involve decreasing the money supply or increasing the interest rate

答案: 正确

32、 If the inflation rate is zero, then the nominal and real interest rate are the same.

答案: 正确

33、 An increase in the price level shifts the money demand curve to the left, causing interest rates to increase

答案: 错误

34、 An increase in the money supply shifts the aggregate-supply curve to the right

答案: 错误

35、 An increase in the money supply decreases the interest rate in the short run

答案: 正确

36、 Other things equal, the higher the price level, the higher is the real wealth of households

答案: 错误

37、 In the Keynesian-cross model, actual expenditures differ from planned expenditures by the amount of

答案: unplanned inventory investment

38、 The IS and LM curves together generally determine

答案: both income and the interest rate.

39、 Using the Keynesian-cross analysis, assume that the consumption function is given by C = 100 + 0.6(Y – T). If planned investment is 100 and T is 100, then the level of G needed to make equilibrium Y equal 1,000 is

答案: 260

40、 Assume that the money demand function is (M/P)d = 2,200 – 200r, where r is the interest rate in percent. The money supply M is 2,000 and the price level P is 2. The equilibrium interest rate is

答案: 6%

41、 Assume that the money demand function is (M/P)d = 2,200 – 200r, where r is the interest rate in percent. The money supply M is 2,000 and the price level P is 2. If the price level is fixed and the Fed wants to fix the interest rate at 7 percent, it should set the money supply at

答案: 1600

42、 If MPC = 0.75, when T decreases by 100, then the IS curve for any given interest rate shifts to the right by

答案: 300

43、 Shifts in the aggregate-demand curve can cause fluctuations in

答案: the level of output and in the level of prices.

44、 A decrease in the price level, holding nominal money supply constant, will shift the LM curve upward and to the left.

答案: 错误

45、 According to the theory of liquidity preference, the supply of real money balances is fixed.

答案: 正确

46、 In the IS–LM model, changes in taxes initially affect planned expenditures through consumption.

答案: 正确

47、 Both monetary policy and fiscal policy affect aggregate demand.

答案: 正确

48、 Monetary policy and fiscal policy are the only factors that influence aggregate demand.

答案: 错误

49、 Sometimes, changes in monetary policy and/or fiscal policy are intended to offset changes to aggregate demand over which policymakers have little or no control.

答案: 正确

50、 An increase in the money supply decreases the equilibrium interest rate and shifts the aggregate-demand curve to the right.

答案: 正确

51、 Changes in monetary policy aimed at reducing aggregate demand involve decreasing the money supply or increasing the interest rate.

答案: 正确

52、 An increase in the price level shifts the money demand curve to the left, causing interest rates to increase.

答案: 错误

53、 An increase in the money supply shifts the aggregate-supply curve to the right.

答案: 错误

54、 An increase in the money supply decreases the interest rate in the short run.

答案: 正确

55、 Other things equal, the higher the price level, the higher is the real wealth of households.

答案: 错误

第十三篇 失业与通货膨胀 单元测验14:第十三篇(失业与通货膨胀)

1、 Which of the following leads to a lower level of unemployment in the long run?

答案: neither an increase in the size of the money supply nor an increase in the money supply growth rate

2、 If the natural rate of unemployment falls,

答案: both the short-run Phillips curve and the long-run Phillips curve shift

3、 Who of the following would necessarily be included in the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ “unemployed” category?

答案: None of the choices is correct.

4、 In an imaginary economy, consumers buy only hot dogs and hamburgers. The fixed basket consists of 10 hot dogs and 6 hamburgers. A hot dog cost $3 in 2006 and $5.40 in 2007. A hamburger cost $5 in 2006 and $6 in 2007. Which of the following statements is correct?

答案: When 2007 is chosen as the base year, the inflation rate is 50 percent in 2007

5、 When computing the cost of the basket of goods and services purchased by a typical consumer, which of the following changes from year to year?

答案: The prices of the goods and services.

6、 Who would be included in the labor force?

答案: Lisa, who is unhappy with her current job.

7、 If policymakers decrease aggregate demand, then in the long run

答案: prices will be lower and unemployment will be unchanged.

8、 President Bigego is running for re-election against Senator Pander. Bigego proclaims that more people are working now than when he took office. Pander says that the unemployment rate is higher now than when Bigego took office. You conclude that

答案: both of them could be telling the truth if the labor force grew faster than employment

9、 Suppose the price index was 100 in 2014, 109 in 2015, and the inflation rate was lower between 2015 and 2016 than it was between 2014 and 2015. This means that

答案: the price index in 2016 was lower than 118.9

10、 The economy is in long-run equilibrium when Senator Soldout argues that the Fed should do more to fight unemployment. He argues that if the Fed increased the money supply faster, more workers would find jobs. The Senator’s argument

答案:  is true for the long run but not the short run

11、 The short-run relationship between inflation and unemployment is often called

答案: the Phillips curve.

12、 The economist A.W. Phillips published a famous article in 1958 in which he showed a

答案: negative correlation between the rate of unemployment and the rate of inflation.

13、 Phillips found a

答案: negative relation between unemployment and inflation in the United Kingdom.

14、 A. W. Phillips’ findings were based on data

答案: from 1861-1957 for the United Kingdom.

15、 A.W. Phillips’s discovery of a particular relationship between unemployment and inflation for the United Kingdom

答案: was quickly extended to other countries by researchers.

16、 The value of the consumer price index increased from 140 to 147 during 2006. Nathan opened a bank account at the beginning of 2006, and at the end of 2006 his account balance was $12,840. The purchasing power of Nathan’s account increased by 2 percent during the year. We can conclude that Nathan opened his account with a deposit of $11,500 at the beginning of 2006.

答案: 错误

17、 In the late 1970s, U.S. nominal interest rates were high and real interest rates were low, but in the late 1990s, U.S. nominal interest rates were low and real interest rates were high.

答案: 正确

18、 Archie has a savings account at a bank. If he earns 6 percent interest on his account and if there is deflation, then his purchasing power rises by more than 6 percent over the course of a year.

答案: 正确

19、 The logic behind the tradeoff between inflation and unemployment is that high aggregate demand puts upward pressure on wages and prices while raising output.

答案: 正确

20、 Just as the aggregate-demand curve slopes downward only in the short run, the trade-off between inflation and unemployment holds only in the long run.

答案: 错误

21、 A decrease in the growth rate of the money supply eventually causes the short-run Phillips curve to shift right.

答案: 错误

22、 The adult population must equal the sum of the employed and the unemployed.

答案: 错误

23、 Only paid workers are included in the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ “employed” category

答案: 错误

24、 When the consumer price index is computed, the base year is always the first year among the years being considered.

答案: 错误

25、 Changes in the consumer price index are useful in predicting changes in the producer price index.

答案: 错误

26、 The proliferation of Internet usage serves as an example of a favorable supply shock.

答案: 正确

27、 An adverse supply shock shifts the short-run Phillips curve right and the short-run aggregate-supply curve left.

答案: 正确

28、 An adverse supply shock shifts the short-run Phillips curve right.  If people raise their inflation expectations, the short-run Phillips curve shifts farther right.

答案: 正确

29、 In most of the 1970s, the Fed’s policy created expectations of high inflation.

答案: 正确

30、 A decrease in the growth rate of the money supply eventually causes the short-run Phillips curve to shift right.

答案: 错误

31、 A low sacrifice ratio would make a central bank less willing to reduce the inflation rate.

答案: 错误

32、 The sacrifice ratio of the Volcker disinflation was larger than previous estimates had predicted.

答案: 错误

33、 A central bank can reduce inflation by reducing money supply growth, but it necessarily does so at the cost of permanently raising the unemployment rate.

答案: 错误

34、 Proponents of rational expectations argue that failing to account for peoples’ revised inflation expectations led to estimates of the sacrifice ratio that were too high

答案: 正确

35、 The sacrifice ratio is the percentage point increase in the unemployment rate created in the process of reducing inflation by one percentage point.

答案: 错误

36、 Which of the following leads to a lower level of unemployment in the long run?

答案: neither an increase in the size of the money supply nor an increase in the money supply growth rate.

37、 If the natural rate of unemployment falls,

答案: both the short-run Phillips curve and the long-run Phillips curve shift.

38、 In an imaginary economy, consumers buy only hot dogs and hamburgers. The fixed basket consists of 10 hot dogs and 6 hamburgers. A hot dog cost $3 in 2006 and $5.40 in 2007. A hamburger cost $5 in 2006 and $6 in 2007. Which of the following statements is correct?

答案: When 2007 is chosen as the base year, the inflation rate is 50 percent in 2007.

39、 When computing the cost of the basket of goods and services purchased by a typical consumer, which of the following changes from year to year?

答案: The prices of the goods and services.

40、 President Bigego is running for re-election against Senator Pander. Bigego proclaims that more people are working now than when he took office. Pander says that the unemployment rate is higher now than when Bigego took office. You conclude that

答案: both of them could be telling the truth if the labor force grew faster than employment.

41、 Suppose the price index was 100 in 2014, 109 in 2015, and the inflation rate was lower between 2015 and 2016 than it was between 2014 and 2015. This means that

答案: the price index in 2016 was lower than 118.9.

42、 The economy is in long-run equilibrium when Senator Soldout argues that the Fed should do more to fight unemployment. He argues that if the Fed increased the money supply faster, more workers would find jobs. The Senator’s argument

答案:  is true for the long run but not the short run.

43、 The value of the consumer price index increased from 140 to 147 during 2006. Nathan opened a bank account at the beginning of 2006, and at the end of 2006 his account balance was $12,840. The purchasing power of Nathan’s account increased by 2 percent during the year. We can conclude that Nathan opened his account with a deposit of $11,500 at the beginning of 2006.

答案: 错误

44、 In the late 1970s, U.S. nominal interest rates were high and real interest rates were low, but in the late 1990s, U.S. nominal interest rates were low and real interest rates were high.

答案: 正确

45、 Archie has a savings account at a bank. If he earns 6 percent interest on his account and if there is deflation, then his purchasing power rises by more than 6 percent over the course of a year.

答案: 正确

46、 Just as the aggregate-demand curve slopes downward only in the short run, the trade-off between inflation and unemployment holds only in the long run.

答案: 错误

47、 Only paid workers are included in the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ “employed” category.

答案: 错误

48、 When the consumer price index is computed, the base year is always the first year among the years being considered.

答案: 错误

第十四篇 经济增长 单元测验15:第十四篇(经济增长)

1、 Productivity is the amount of goods and services

答案: produced for each hour of a worker’s time. It is linked to a nation’s economic policies

2、 Which of the following is correct?

答案: Even though Japan had a higher growth rate of real GDP per person than the U.S. over the last 120 years, it’s level of real GDP per person is less than that of the U.S.

3、 Countries that have lower levels of real GDP per person than the United States

答案: in some cases have growth rates that are higher than that of the United States and in other cases lower than that of the United States.

4、 Last year real GDP in the imaginary nation of Oceania was 561.0 billion and the population was 2.2 million. The year before, real GDP was 500.0 billion and the population was 2.0 million. What was the growth rate of real GDP per person during the year?

答案: 2 percent

5、 In 2012, the imaginary nation of Dorados had a population of 8,000 and real GDP of 3,000,000. During the year its real GDP percapita grew by about 2.9%. Which of the following sets of growth rates is consistent with this growth?

答案:  4% population growth and 7% real GDP growth

6、 Which of the following is a good gauge of economic progress?

答案: the growth rate of real GDP per person, but not the level of real GDP per person

7、 Which of the following are residents of rich countries likely to have in greater quantities, or better quality, than residents of poor countries?

答案: All the answers are correct.

8、 Which of the following would, by itself, reveal the most about a country’s standard of living?

答案: its productivity

9、 Which of the following can be measured by the level of real GDP per person?

答案: the standard of living but not productivity

10、 In determining living standards, productivity plays a key role

答案: for both nations and individuals.

11、 A rapid increase in the number of workers, other things the same, is likely in the short term to

答案: raise real GDP, but decrease real GDP per person.

12、 Over the period 1900-2008, Brazil’s rate of economic growth exceeded that of China

答案: 正确

13、 If a country has a higher level of productivity than another, then it also has a higher level of real GDP

答案: 错误

14、 When Americans invest in Russia, the income of Russians (that is, Russian GNP) rises by more than production in Russia (that is, Russian GDP)

答案: 错误

15、 Foreign direct investment and domestic investment have the same effect on all measures of economic prosperity.

答案: 错误

16、 If a rich country reduced subsidies to domestic producers of goods that poor countries have a comparative advantage producing, the standard of living in these poor countries would likely rise.

答案: 正确

17、 Economists generally believe that policies such as reducing barriers to trade are likely to foster economic growth.

答案: 正确

18、 The population growth rate tends to be higher in developed countries than in developing countries.

答案: 错误

19、 Investment in human capital has opportunity costs, but investment in physical capital does not.

答案: 错误

20、 Economists generally believe that inward-oriented policies are less likely to foster growth than outward-oriented policies.

答案: 正确

21、 One reason that governments may find it useful to sponsor universities and basic research is that to a large extent knowledge is generally a private good.

答案: 错误

22、 The catch-up effect refers to the idea that poor countries, despite their best efforts, are not likely ever to experience the economic growth rates of wealthier countries.

答案: 错误

23、 Two countries with the same saving rates must have the same growth rate of real GDP per person.

答案: 错误

24、 International data on real GDP per person gives us a sense of how standards of living vary across countries.

答案: 正确

25、 Like physical capital, human capital is a produced factor of production.

答案: 正确

26、 Productivity is the amount of goods and services

答案: produced for each hour of a worker’s time. It is linked to a nation’s economic policies.

27、 Which of the following is correct?

答案: Even though Japan had a higher growth rate of real GDP per person than the U.S. over the last 120 years, it’s level of real GDP per person is less than that of the U.S.

28、 Countries that have lower levels of real GDP per person than the United States

答案: in some cases have growth rates that are higher than that of the United States and in other cases lower than that of the United States.

29、 Last year real GDP in the imaginary nation of Oceania was 561.0 billion and the population was 2.2 million. The year before, real GDP was 500.0 billion and the population was 2.0 million. What was the growth rate of real GDP per person during the year?

答案: 2 percent

30、 In 2012, the imaginary nation of Dorados had a population of 8,000 and real GDP of 3,000,000. During the year its real GDP percapita grew by about 2.9%. Which of the following sets of growth rates is consistent with this growth?

答案:  4% population growth and 7% real GDP growth

31、 Which of the following are residents of rich countries likely to have in greater quantities, or better quality, than residents of poor countries?

答案: All answers are correct.

32、 Over the period 1900-2008, Brazil’s rate of economic growth exceeded that of China.

答案: 正确

33、 If a country has a higher level of productivity than another, then it also has a higher level of real GDP.

答案: 错误

34、 When Americans invest in Russia, the income of Russians (that is, Russian GNP) rises by more than production in Russia (that is, Russian GDP).

答案: 错误

35、 Foreign direct investment and domestic investment have the same effect on all measures of economic prosperity.

答案: 错误

36、 If a rich country reduced subsidies to domestic producers of goods that poor countries have a comparative advantage producing, the standard of living in these poor countries would likely rise.

答案: 正确

第十五篇 开放经济 单元测验16:第十五篇(开放经济)

1、 Which type(s) of economies interact with other economies?

答案: only open economies

2、 International trade

答案: raises the standard of living in all trading countries.

3、 Foreign-produced goods and services that are purchased domestically are called

答案: imports.

4、 A country sells more to foreign countries than it buys from them.  It has

答案: a trade surplus and positive net exports.

5、 A country’s trade balance

答案: is greater than zero only if exports are greater than imports

6、 An open economy’s GDP is always given by

答案: Y = C + I + G + NX.

7、 If saving is greater than domestic investment, then

答案: there is a trade surplus and Y > C + I + G.

8、 If a country has a trade deficit then

答案: S < I and Y < C + I + G

9、 If a country has a trade deficit

答案: it has negative net exports and negative net capital outflow.

10、 Which of the following statements is correct for an open economy with a trade surplus?

答案: The trade surplus implies that the country’s national saving is greater than domestic investment.

11、 The open-economy macroeconomic model includes

答案: both the market for loanable funds and the market for foreign-currency exchange.

12、 In an open economy, national saving equals

答案: domestic investment plus net capital outflow.

13、 In the open-economy macroeconomic model, the market for loanable funds equates national saving with

答案: the sum of domestic investment and net capital outflow.

14、 A country has national saving of $70 billion, government expenditures of $20 billion, domestic investment of $30 billion, and net capital outflow of $40 billion.  What is its supply of loanable funds?

答案: $70 billion

15、 The slope of the supply of loanable funds is based on an increase in

答案: only national saving when the interest rate rises.

16、 A country has I = $200 billion, S = $400 billion, and purchased $600 billion of foreign assets, how many of its assets did foreigners purchase?

答案: $400 billion

17、 Other things the same, as the real interest rate rises

答案: domestic investment and net capital outflow both fall.

18、 If there is a surplus of loanable funds, the quantity demanded is

答案: less than the quantity supplied and the interest rate will fall.

19、 When a country’s government budget deficit decreases

答案: the real exchange rate of its currency decreases and its net exports increase.

20、 If a government increases its budget deficit, then domestic interest rates

答案: rise and net exports fall.

21、 A country with negative net exports has a trade surplus.

答案: 错误

22、 Net capital outflow is the purchase of domestic assets by foreign residents minus the purchase of foreign assets by domestic residents.

答案: 错误

23、 A rational investor will always purchase the bond that pays the highest real interest rate

答案: 错误

24、 A country must have a positive net outflow of capital if it has a trade deficit.

答案: 错误

25、 It is possible for a country to have domestic investment that exceeds national saving.

答案: 正确

26、 If a country’s trade surplus falls, its net capital outflow rises.

答案: 错误

27、 In an open economy, national saving can be less than investment.

答案: 正确

28、 Other things the same, an increase in the foreign price level leads to an increase in the real exchange rate.

答案: 错误

29、 Many economists believe that the theory of purchasing-power parity describes the forces that determine exchange rates in the long run.

答案: 正确

30、 Other things the same, an increase in the nominal exchange rate raises the real exchange rate.

答案: 正确

31、 In an open economy, the supply of loanable funds comes from national saving.

答案: 正确

32、  In an open economy, the demand for loanable funds comes from both domestic investment and net capital outflow.

答案: 正确

33、 The purchase of a capital asset adds to the demand for loanable funds only if that asset is a domestic one.

答案: 错误

34、 In the open-economy macroeconomic model, a higher domestic interest rate reduces the quantity of loanable funds demanded

答案: 正确

35、 In the open-economy macroeconomic model, net exports equal the quantity of dollars demanded in the foreign-currency exchange market.

答案: 正确

36、 Other things the same, a higher real exchange rate reduces net exports.

答案: 正确

37、 If C+I+G>Y, then net exports and net capital outflow are both less than zero.

答案: 正确

38、 When the government budget deficit increases, national saving increases.

答案: 错误

39、 A tax credit for purchases of capital goods causes the interest rate to increase and the exchange rate to appreciate.

答案: 正确

40、 In the open-economy macroeconomic model, the real exchange rate does not affect net capital outflow.

答案: 正确

41、 A country’s trade balance

答案: is greater than zero only if exports are greater than imports.

42、 If a country has a trade deficit

答案: it has negative net exports and negative net capital outflow.

43、 A rational investor will always purchase the bond that pays the highest real interest rate.

答案: 错误

44、 In the open-economy macroeconomic model, a higher domestic interest rate reduces the quantity of loanable funds demanded.

答案: 正确



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