IT行业职场英语(大连理工大学) 中国大学mooc慕课答案2024版 m89552

Unit 1 Overview of IT Industry Test on Unit One 单元测验

1、 Why will business transformation remain a buzzword of the moment?

答案: Because channel firms of all stripes continue to assess the direction of their companies in the age of cloud computing, mobility, managed services, big data, social median and other market and technology forces.

2、 What are the innovations that drive the renewed push to simplicity?

答案: Cloud computing and big data

3、 Where do the opportunities lie for the IT companies?

答案: Implementation and consulting service

4、 What does BPA stand for in this article?

答案: Business Process Automation

5、 What is “大数据” in English?

答案: Big data

6、 Which of the following occupation does not belong to technical occupations?

答案: Venders

7、 What is the percentage of technical positions account for an IT company’s workforce?

答案: 25% to 75%

8、 Which of the following statements is right according to this article?

答案: IT jobs are spread across the country since the pervasive need for technology.

9、 How to explain the number of job postings exceeds the number of new IT jobs created?

答案: It is because of labor turnover.

10、 Why people who deal with a lot of numbers will be happy to use Macintosh?

答案: It has a numeral keypad.

11、 What is the most exciting moment when Steve Jobs introducing Macintosh to the large audience?

答案: When Macintosh speaks for itself.

12、 Macintosh refers Steve Jobs as its______.

答案: Father

13、 When Apple Computer introduced Macintosh?

答案: January 24th,1984

14、 What are the technology-intense occupations on the periphery?

答案: Technical sales;
Health information technicians;
Automated manufacturing computer operators

15、 Why Macintosh can be so competitive in the market?

答案: It is useful.;
It is affordable.;
It is easy to operate.

作业Unit 1 Overview of IT Industry Hands-on Task1: Reading IT terms and Concepts

1、 IT行业职场英语(大连理工大学) 中国大学mooc慕课答案2024版  m89552第1张IT行业职场英语(大连理工大学) 中国大学mooc慕课答案2024版  m89552第2张IT行业职场英语(大连理工大学) 中国大学mooc慕课答案2024版  m89552第3张
评分规则: IT术语发音准确,清晰,朗读语速适中。IT概念朗读速度适中,断句合理。

作业unit 2 History of IT Industry hands-on task 1:Reading IT Terms and Concepts of Unit 2

1、 IT行业职场英语(大连理工大学) 中国大学mooc慕课答案2024版  m89552第4张IT行业职场英语(大连理工大学) 中国大学mooc慕课答案2024版  m89552第5张IT行业职场英语(大连理工大学) 中国大学mooc慕课答案2024版  m89552第6张
评分规则: IT行业职场英语(大连理工大学) 中国大学mooc慕课答案2024版  m89552第7张

unit 2 History of IT Industry Test on Unit Two

1、 What the first giant calculators CANNOT do?

答案: Imitating human communication

2、 When did the major quantitative and qualitative leap occur?

答案: When work PCs were connected to each other via Local Area Networks (LANs).

3、 What did the invention of the World Wide Web lead to/

答案: It led to the proliferation of new applications, which were no longer limited to enterprise-related activities but digitized almost any activity in our lives.

4、 What does “déjà vu” probably mean within the context?

答案: Things we have seen.

5、 What does the title of this passage suggest?

答案: Within certain range of time, people will see the same things happen again in IT industry.

6、 Why people invented the first computer?

答案: It was used to decode Nazi’s messages during the wars.

7、 In this video, what does it says about computer to the Allies’ victory?

答案: It had a significant contribution to the Allies’ victory.

8、 Which of the following sentence was not one of typical problems of the Eniac when people use it?

答案: It looked ugly.

9、 When did the Internet get started?

答案: Fifty years ago

10、 What is the significance of WWW?

答案: It was not a data sharing space for scientists anymore. It is an entire network of information that is accessible for anyone with Internet connection.

11、 What changes does connecting people in a vast and distributed network of computers bring?

答案: It increased the amount of data generated.;
It led to numerous new ways of getting value out of connecting people.;
It unleashed many new enterprise applications.;
It generated a new passion for “data mining”.

12、 What are we probably going to see and maybe already are experiencing?

答案: A new phase in the evolution of Information Technology ;
A new quantitative and qualitative leap in the growth of data

13、 Why this sort of entrepreneurial extravagance is not a bad thing at all?

答案: These vast and risky investments can be seen as essentially a way of recycling the enormous funds that successful firms and individuals have accumulated from you, the customer.;
Better to re-deploy one’s fortune chasing breakthrough dreams in the sky than on palatial corporate headquarters, private islands, larger yachts, and sometimes even huge charitable contributions.

14、 Which of the following statement is right according to this article?

答案: The PC era followed pretty much the same pattern.;
The history of the computer business is that its market leaders are both fabulously rich and highly ambitious.;
Perhaps one of the reasons IBM was tempted to look upwards was because, while it had vast amounts of cash, it faced serious legal constraints in many of its core markets.

15、 What has contributed to AR’s increasing success?

答案: Complex technological advances.;
Meaningful content.;
Convincing and realistic interaction of the virtual with the physical environment.;
Unique value that goes beyond what other technologies deliver

Unit 3 Milestones and Giants in IT Industry Test of Unit Three

1、 Which of the following statement is not true about Kenneth Thompson?

答案: Since 2006, Thompson has worked at Google, where he co-invented the Google programming language.

2、 Why Kenneth Thompson decided to write his own operating system?

答案: He wanted a decent system on which to run his game.

3、 According to Thompson’s great success of Unix, what do you think of the reason of his success?

答案: His success needs hard work as well as serendipity. .

4、 What will a bottom-up thinker probably do when he/she try to solve a problem?

答案: He/She will initially focus on their most basic components and how they interact, rather than first focusing on the complete system.

5、 According to Steve Jobs, what were two milestone products in our industry to date?

答案: Apple II in 1977 and the IBM PC in 1981

6、 What was Windows 3.0 advantage over other systems?

答案: Users weren’t locked into one vendor’s products

7、 What does “the future of the once iconic product though won’t define the future of the business” probably mean?

答案: Only one hot product cannot decide the future of entire company’s business.

8、 What does Linux headquarter look like?

答案: It is so simple actually just a man and his computer.

9、 What is the most important quality of the computer mentioned in the video at the beginning?

答案: It has to be quiet while working.

10、 Which of the following sentence was not true about Linux?

答案: It is one man’s work.

11、 Why Linux becomes open source?

答案: It can help Linux become better through get different people’s ideas and comments.

12、 How often is the release?

答案: Every two or three months.

13、 Why 1969 was called the magic year? (More than one answer)

答案: Mankind first went to the moon.;
UNIX was born.;
ARPANET (the precursor to the Internet) was launched.

14、 What was the fundamental shift that Apple’s iPad marked in the computer industry? (More than one answer)

答案: Software companies did not control the market any longer.;
The power had shifted back to the manufacturers.

15、 Which of the following statement is right according to this article? (More than one answer)

答案: Microsoft’s evolution to the post PC era has been a fascination of this blog for several years now as the company’s once flagship Windows becomes irrelevant in a world dominated by smart phones and tablet computers.;
The launch of Windows 8 and the Surface tablet were the great hope for the company, but it appears the business model that built Microsoft into one of the world’s biggest companies is doomed. Microsoft is shifting to the post-PC era where Windows has little role.;
WordPerfect was horribly, horribly wrong in judging the market.

Unit 4 Working Process of IT Industry Test of Unit Four

1、 Which of the following statement is not true according to the article?

答案: The biggest influence that open source has had is the software being distributed must be redistributed to anyone else without any restriction.

2、 Why the waterfall model simplifies task scheduling?

答案: The model has no iterative or overlapping steps.

3、 Which systems development life cycle models include two parts of other models?

答案: The spiral model

4、 Which is not necessary for every development method?

答案: Marketing research

5、 Which is not true according to the article?

答案: The Product Owner is the leader of the Scrum Team.

6、 What are differences between Scrum and Waterfall?

答案: There’s no iterative or overlapping steps in the Waterfall model.

7、 Which isn’t one of three artifacts in Scrum?

答案: Sprint Planning

8、 Which is not true according to the video?

答案: Sprint Planning should be decided by the product owner and the team.

9、 What aren’t belong to the process of development in Lumium?

答案: System Upgrade and Software maintenance

10、 What we can learn from the video?

答案: Some work may need Chinese manufacturing.

11、 What rules are the OSI following when they certify products as open source?

答案: The software being distributed must be redistributed to anyone else without any restriction.;
The source code must be made available.;
The license can require improved versions of the software to carry a different name or version from the original software.

12、 How Scrum works from the view of events? (More than one answer)

答案: Sprint Planning;
Daily Scrum;
Sprint Review;
Sprint Retrospective

13、 What are jobs for the Scrum Master in Scrum’s structure. (More than one answer)

答案: Ensuring Scrum is understood and enacted.;
Ensuring that the Scrum Team adheres to Scrum theory, practices, and rules.;
The Scrum Master is a servant-leader for the Scrum Team.;
Helping those outside the Scrum Team understand which of their interactions with the Scrum Team are helpful and which aren’t.

14、 Which are goals of Scrum? (More than one answer)

答案: To manage complex product development;
To optimize flexibility, creativity, and productivity;
To address complex adaptive problems, while productively and creatively delivering products of the highest possible value

15、 How to optimizes the work as The Product Owner? (More than one answer)

答案: Clearly expressing Product Backlog items;;
Optimizing the value of the work the Development Team performs;

Unit 5 Feature of IT Products Test of Unit Five

1、 Which of the following statement is not true according to the article?

答案: For many business, support for simple accounting transactions is enough.

2、 Why any accounting program we evaluate must have robust reporting and analysis capabilities?

答案: Information is power in today’s challenging business environment.

3、 What we can get from reporting and analysis?

答案: Insight into crucial financial activities, reporting and analysis functions help companies conform to government and industry regulations.

4、 Which is not mentioned?

答案: Data analysis

5、 Which one is talking about Internet connectivity?

答案: With the whole world moving to the Internet, it’s only logical that accounting software should follow the crowd.

6、 How the article describes iPad software features from the view of Application?

答案: Although the iPad is not designed to replace a mobile phone, a user can use a wired headset or the build-in speaker and microphone and place telephone calls over Wi-Fi or 3G using a VoIP application.

7、 How developers develop applications for iPad?

答案: Developers use iOS SDK for developing application for iPad.

8、 Which one is not true about the interface of iPad?

答案: The iPad’s interaction techniques enable the user to move the content up or down just by a touch.

9、 How iPads syncs with computes?

答案: The iPad syncs with iTunes on a Mac or Windows PC.

10、 How to zoom in and out of web pages and photos in iPad?

答案: Placing two fingers on the screen and spreading them farther apart or bringing them closer together, a gesture known as “pinching”.

11、 Which accounting software is not mentioned by the video?

答案: ZipBooks.

12、 Which is true about the Business Plan Pro Premier?

答案: It helps to create stress test models.

13、 Which one is not one of the differences between NetBook and iPad?

答案: NetBook is faster.

14、 What we can learn from the video?

答案: iPad is an awesome way to enjoy web page.

15、 What kind of tasks should the table do better than a laptop or smartphone. (More than one correct answer)

答案: Playing Games.;
Browsing Web.;
Watching Video.





Unit 6 IT Corporate Culture Test of Unit Six

1、 What is Corporate Culture?

答案: Corporate culture is a set of characteristics that defines a business. It involves employee attitudes, standards (policies and procedures), and rites and rituals.

2、 Which one may be the most fundamental element of corporate culture?

答案: The attitude of those within a company

3、 Which one is not true according to the article?

答案: There are only three ways of classifying corporate environments.

4、 What does “Neutral” mean according to the article?

答案: The business neither supports nor hinders its employees.

5、 Which one is not mentioned according to the article?

答案: If a business needs to build excess upstream capacity in order to ensure downstream operations, it does not make sense economically to move forward with outsourcing.

6、 What are Apple’s Values?

答案: Apple’s Values are qualities, customs, standards, and principles that the company believes will help it and its employees succeed.

7、 Which one is not mentioned in Apple’s Value?

答案: Simple

8、 What is Apple’s Mission Statement?

答案: There is an extraordinary breadth and depth and tenure among the Apple executive team, and these executives lead over 35,000 employees that I would call “all wicked smart”.

9、 Which one is not true about Apple according to the article?

答案: They believe that they don’t need to own and control the primary technologies behind the products they make.

10、 Which one is talking about Empathy for Customers/Users which is Apple’s Values?

答案: They offer superior products that fill real needs and provide lasting value.

11、 Which one is not one of words that make Apple different?

答案: When

12、 What is true about Why?

答案: The purpose of work.

13、 Which is not true according to the video?

答案: Our limbic brains have capacity for language.

14、 Which one is true according to the video?

答案: A lot of companies in terms of making it the highest quality or the most elegant they will stop at some point.

15、 What we can learn from the video? (More than one correct answer.)

答案: The best part of working at apple is actually the feeling that what you brought to the table has contributed to something greater than yourself.;
A certainly a hard work ethic is important because it’s so much work put into making anything being a product or a piece of marketing or some software.;
What apple gives the employees is the opportunity to be part of something really meaningful.;
Apple never stop and they will always refining every little last detail until there’s no more time to refine.

Unit 7 Communication in IT Industry Test of Unit Seven

1、 Which one is one of the most important factors in the success or failure of any IT project?

答案: Communication

2、 Which is not true according to the article?

答案: Effective communication doesn’t save money, time and effort.

3、 Which one is not issue-tracking system?

答案: SimulationCraft

4、 Which one is not true according to the article?

答案: Not every company employs a workflow that makes sense for its business.

5、 When people opening up?

答案: When they feel powerful

6、 What is the nonverbal language of feeling powerless?

答案: Close up

7、 Which one is an example of nonverbal governing how we think and feel about ourselves?

答案: When we are forced to smile, we are happy.

8、 Which one is not true according to the video?

答案: Power has nothing about how you react to stress.

9、 When effective communication happens? (More than one correct answer)

答案: Make a message’s content quickly understood.;
Be explicit in your message.;
Manage effectively.

10、 What outcomes does proper communication lead to? (More than one correct answer)

答案: People with different responsibilities and levels of involvement are better engaged in the project.;
People feel their time is respected and well used.;
The pace of a project is sustained and there are fewer errors when everyone knows what is going on and what they are supposed to do.

11、 What words can effective communication in IT projects be encapsulated? (More than one correct answer)

答案: Explicitness;

12、 What are examples of good subjects? (More than one correct answer)

答案: ACME Corp. | HR Portal | draft of functional documentation, v. 0.1;
Please, send your report—deadline: March 10th

13、 Which are examples of bad subjects?

答案: Question;
New Images;
We’re going for lunch at 1 p.m

14、 How to write a good email? (More than one correct answer)

答案: The subject line should be brief and explain the contents of the email.;
Make your emails as short as they can be, while still providing all the details necessary.;
Write the email to be skimmed and acted on.;
Bold the most important sentences in a long email.

15、 Which one is possible according to the video? (More than one correct answer)

答案: Fake it until you become it.;
Tiny tweaks can lead to big changes.;
Body language shapes who you are.;
Pretend to smile can make you happy.

Unit 8 Teamwork in IT Industry Test of Unit Eight

1、 Which one is not true according to the article?

答案: Cooperating on a project is not an opportunity for new workers to learn from more experienced employees.

2、 Which one is not one of importance of teamwork in organizations?

答案: Setting Clear Goals

3、 Which one is not true about setting clear goals?

答案: Teamwork increases the accountability of every member of the team, especially when working under people who command a lot of respect within the business.

4、 Which one is not about learning opportunities?

答案: Teamwork increases the accountability of every member of the team, especially when working under people who command a lot of respect within the business.

5、 Which one is not true about software engineering according to the article?

答案: Internal communication deals with the challenge of each team member to conduct effective communication with his peers.

6、 How the author define the thinkLet?

答案: They define a thinkLet as an activity or process that produces predictable results to deal with recurring collaboration problems in software development teams.

7、 Which one deals with the challenge of each team member to conduct effective communication with his peers?

答案: Internal communication

8、 Which is true about client communication according to the article?

答案: It involves the communication between the development team and the client.

9、 Which one is not one of 4cs according to the video?

答案: Confidence

10、 Which one is true about communication according to the video?

答案: Good team players are willing to communicate and share information with the other team members they need.

11、 Which is true according to the video?

答案: Communication is one of characteristics that good team members should have.

12、 What’s the problem if the first person adjusts the angle?

答案: The third person can’t match it.

13、 What we can learn from the video?

答案: The boss should be put around the edge of the circle.

14、 How to prevent and resolve conflicts? (More than one correct answer)

答案: Make sure each team member is shouldering an equal share of the work burden so no one feels frustrated or resentful.;
Have a clear set of rules and responsibilities team members need to follow.;
Make sure the team leader resolves conflicts effectively.;
If the team leader can’t resolve the dispute, bring in a management team leader or consultant to act as a mediator.

15、 What are three influencing variables stood out among the variables mentioned in the related work? (More than one correct answer)

答案: Communication;

Unit 9 Time Management in IT Industry Test of Unit Nine

1、 Which statement is not the time management tips mentioned in the article?

答案: Do desirable task first

2、 Why do we need to set our own deadline if there is already a deadline?

答案: Setting your own deadline you can complete more projects with less stress.

3、 What shall we do on the way back home after work?

答案: Review your work day and assess how it went.

4、 Which one is not true according to the article?

答案: IT professionals need the time management skills most.

5、 Why effective time management is more essential for IT professionals?

答案: IT professionals have a bigger challenge since technologies and the skills required to compete in the marketplace where they change rapidly.

6、 Which statement is not true about Pomodoro Technique?

答案: The Pomodoro Technique teaches the users be more innovative.

7、 Which one is not true according to the article?

答案: Each 25-minute work period is called a “pomodoro”, named after the French word for tomato.

8、 Which statement fails to explain why Pomodoro Technique helps?

答案: Watching the timer wind down can let you forget about your current task more quickly.

9、 Who loves Pomodoro Technique?

答案: Steven Sande of The Unofficial Apple Weblog

10、 What is the criticism about Pomodoro Technique?

答案: The process isn’t ideal for any line of work.

11、 Which one is NOT true about 30 days challenges according to the video?

答案: Become a successful novelist.

12、 What has the speaker done for the 30 days challenges?

答案: Taking a picture every day.

13、 How to complete the 30 days challenges?

答案: Do not go to bed before finish your goal for the day.

14、 What has most likely happened after the speaker gave up sugar for 30 days?

答案: He eats a lot of sugar at day 31.

15、 What we can learn from the video?

答案: We should try something we always want to try for next 30 days in order to make life more meaningful.

Unit 10 Preparing for the Interview Test of Unit Ten

1、 Which type of job interview is not mentioned according to the article?

答案: Private Interview

2、 Which one is not true about the traditional interview?

答案: The interviewer will ask you questions based on common situations of the job you are applying for.

3、 What question you may be asked in a phone interview?

答案: You may be asked typical questions or behavioral questions.

4、 Which one is not true according to the article?

答案: In a traditional interview, you will be interviewed by a panel of interviewers.

5、 Which one is wrong when you are in a lunch interview?

答案: You will be interviewed by a panel of interviewers

6、 What should you do before the interview?

答案: Review the job description or the “Help Wanted” description.

7、 What should you do during the interview?

答案: Make occasional eye contact for at least 5 seconds throughout the interview.

8、 How to dress if your interview is formal?

答案: For men: Conventional dark-colored suit (black, navy or charcoal grey are good) with a conservative shirt: plain pastel shades or modest stripes and dark polished shoes.

9、 What should you do after the interview?

答案: Within two days after your interview, you should always write a thank-you letter or email to your interviewer for meeting with you.

10、 How to dress if your interview is less formal?

答案: For men: wear nice slacks (not jeans, sweatpants, or shorts), a long-sleeve shirt with a collar that is tucked-in, and matching belt, shoes, and socks.

11、 What are tools for building an iPhone App?

答案: Xcode + Objective-C

12、 What is website’s Database according to the video?

答案: It is basically a thing that holds all the information in the site.

13、 Which one is not true about Google’s technical interview according to the video?

答案: Algorithms is not very important.

14、 Which one is true according to the video? (More than one correct answer)

答案: There are three types of jobs that a software developer might get in those fields mentioned in the video.;
A front-end developer is someone who takes that design and then they translate it into code.

15、 What should do during Google’s technical interview according to the video? (More than one correct answer)

答案: Make sure you’re ready to prove what’s on your resume.;
In general, you should show your problem-solving skills to the question you are asked.;
If the question asked is a design question, you should work with your interviewer to create a high-level system.



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阿布查查 » IT行业职场英语(大连理工大学) 中国大学mooc慕课答案2024版 m89552